Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Friday, August 14, 2009


When I returned home from my dad's last week, I was shocked to find two things very wrong with my room, both courtesy of my aunt.

I'ma start using LJ cuts now.

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1. The first thing I noticed was that, DUDE, my bag filled with women's clothes I had hidden in my closet was gone. This may have been my own fault because I left it sitting there in the closet itself rather than the mini-closet-inside-a-closet that it's normally in. Easier access, you know. But yeah, the easier access screwed me over. Not entirely sure why my aunt was in my closet in the first place, though. I mean... the door's closed... and it's behind my bed... you literally have to move my bed to get the door open. Plus nobody knew that I ever used it before. Hrm. But yeah, my awesome skirt is gone and now I'm PISSED.

For those of you who didn't catch it by now, I'm a crossdresser and my entire family consists of conservative bigots.

2. As if I wasn't already distraught enough over not being able to crossdress anymore, I later noticed that my pillows had been replaced. Apparently my aunt and grandmother thought they were being nice by throwing out my old, "dirty" pillows for new, "clean" ones. See, for the past few years I've had this special pillow that I basically pretend is Anna and cuddle with, you know, just until I can cuddle with the real thing. Plus I roleplay with it and do the voices for both me and her. Of course, I still do the latter even without the pillow, but still. Anyway, dude, throwing out the Anna pillow is MASSIVELY UNCOOL. By doing it you're wiping some of the history of me and Anna's relationship from existence, like the time my aunt changed a letter in one of the letters Anna sent me (I now carry all Anna-related artifacts on me at all times to prevent this from happening again). Needless to say, I cried for hours and am still crying on the inside. And the new pillow isn't helping by being a crappy cuddler. Sigh.

I'm sad. ;_;

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