Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Nick and Anna Comment Fight

"There's nothing wrong with pedophilia..."

So you're saying that having sex with children is totally fine?

You are SO going to hell.
As long as the kid gives consent, yes. It's fine.
Kids that young usually don't even UNDERSTAND sex, idiot.
Which is why parents need to stop being idiots and teach their kids about sex at an early age.

Also, how young? Like, toddler age?
I alternate about and aboot.

Also, I dunno. Whenever they're old enough to understand things. So I guess it's not so much a certain age as it is when they're speaking in sentences and stuff like that. My half-sister's only seven and she's known a little about sex for a few years already.
So when they're, like, four? You'd FUCK A FOUR-YEAR-OLD? God, that's fucking SICK.
No, I jack off to them, but I wouldn't actually have sex with one.

However, I'll defend to the injury other people's rights to have sex with kids. There is no reason pedophiles should be discriminated against. Pedophilia is just another fetish like bondage or albinos or whatever.
You DO realize that child pornography is illegal to make OR possess, right? B|
Well, it shouldn't be. It's yet another of those really stupid laws.
Oh wait are you implying that I have child porn?

Because I just go by the stuff in my head.

Wish I DID have some though.

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