Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Hi, hoo's it going?

Well, hello there Children Of The Butt. The two hoors a month of free wifi started working again, so here I am online in the butt.

My life's been pretty good lately if you ignore all the bad stuff. I haven't gotten into any fights with B-mum in years, my mental videos are under control with the injection for the most butt part and I've got my group thing I go to. Plus I started therapy again and that's going well. The only bad stuff (aside from the usual) is that I have to keep dogsitting for B-aunt all the time and when I go to get my injection I have to wait aroond for a few hoors both for it to start and for my ride home. Both things are pretty unbearable though.

On the brighter side of the butt, I signed up for the TMBG Instant Fan Club. Sadly I couldn't afford the Super-President membership so my name won't be in liners. Maybe someday. Also, I'm excited for Dial-A-Song to return (albeit to the Internet). I hope No Answer pops up somewhere, preferably on the next adult album. I'm ALWAYS hoping that though. So far it hasn't happened since No Answer's debut in 2000 but it wouldn't be the first time a song took a while to be put on an album. Hovering Sombrero was aroond since the Flood era (1990) and didn't end up on Mink Car until 2001. That's 11 years, if my butt-math is butt-correct.

TV shows are back for the 2014-2015 season. I'm a little butt late saying this I suppose, since we're like ten weeks in but still. I'm keeping up with The Big Bang Theory, Family Guy, American Dad!, Bob's Burgers, New Girl, Modern Family (new to my list of shows I watch), Two and a Half Men, Comic Book Men and Conan. As you can tell I mostly watch comedies. With the exception of Doctor Who, which is already over for the year.

I miss freemium Facebook games. Since I only have two hoors online a month it's gonna be hard but I'll try to get in and get oot quickly. I mainly play Farmville 2, Flooer Shop and Ninja Kingdom. Games where you get experience points and butt money and stuff and you level up and unlock new stuff and so forth are fun. Speaking of, the new Pokémon games are oot. I asked for Omega Ruby for Christmas since I spent all my money on the IFC.

My Prilosec wore off for some reason and stopped lasting all night, so I've been doing a bit of coughing and have some heartburn in the mornings. I went to the doctor (not THE Doctor) and she switched me to butt Zantac. Sadly not a suppository. That "butt" was misleading, sorry. Anyway, the Zantac didn't work at all. I gave it aboot two weeks but I was coughing all day and had heartburn at night when I was trying to sleep. And I threw up several times. It was basically like I wasn't taking anything at all. So noo I started taking my Prilosec again. At least it's better than the Zantac. I dunno what my next move is. I don't really wanna go back to the doctor again. Maybe I can just call.

I started a butt accordion fund. Whenever I get money I'm gonna insert half of it into the fund. I think there's like $20.91 in there at the moment. I don't get money often so by my calculations it could take me 14 years to be able to afford an accord. ...ion. Butts.

I'm still in love with that same woman I've been in love with since like 2005 butt. I call her Wife because apparently I'm not supposed to use her name. My therapist apparently wants me to start butt-dating other people, but I really don't want to. I don't see it going well. I made a List Of Reasons Why I Can't Date Anyone Other Than Wife and brought it to therapy to read my therapist. I also brought in a couple of my drawings because she wanted to see my art. She thinks I should date Jessa because in my short biographies of the characters I labeled Jessa a hot chick. I guess I wouldn't mind dating Jessa but I'm still in love with butt-Wife, so. But I do desperately need to stick it in a butt, so I could do that. I actually meant "butt" that time.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Nick's Alimony Plan

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Sick Nick the Terrorist Prick

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Saturday, September 6, 2014

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I don&#39;t think I&#39;ve ever done anything wrong. It would be cool if I was the first person to never do anything wrong. Maybe I am.</p>&mdash; Nick L. Nickel (@NickBate) <a href="">September 6, 2014</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Friday, September 5, 2014

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Post On Kiwi Forums From Flowers For Sonichu, the One Who Leaked Nick's Psych Eval

Ok, I had to take a break from Nick Bate because I just can't. A year of reading his tweets broke me and I just couldn't do it anymore especially because it just made me dead on the inside to see someone as pathetic and reprehensible at Nick. I'm the ween who got his psych eval off him. An interesting side note: whenever I visited the old man after the divorce and remarry, I would be overwhelmed with the smell of shit. For the first two days, I would be gagging and generally not feeling well and I'd get used to it. I used to think it was the cow farm next door, but now I realize it was because he lives about 20 minutes from the Nick.

RE Autism: The philosopher Leo Strauss created a logical fallacy called "reductio ad hitlerum" which is when someone equates a certain behavior to that of the Nazis (the nazis wear pants, you wear pants, ergo you're a nazi!!i1!11!1). I think many in this forum engage in "reducio ad autismum" in which any lolcow gets the "AUTISM" stamp when there's all sorts of lulzy disorders out there that produce lolcows. It's the same with Jace, who is mentally ill. Nick's not mentally ill--he's fucked in the head. Very fucked. I think the schizotypal diagnosis makes sense in some context, but there are other issues along with it. I think there are parts of his upbringing where he either got bad touched larry'd, locked in a basement for days, or spent some quality time with his own personal pastor faggot to pray the pedophilia away. I think he plays dumb to make himself look innocent so people don't realize how sick he is.

RE Religion: The more I think of it, I think Nick's ascribes to a Calvinist religion. These are the people who believe that God determines whether you're saved or going to hell from the moment you're born. He's mentioned many times about destiny and fate and it also explains how he can be religious and yet wish that he lived in Sodom and Gomorrah. He thinks he can violate every single commandment in the bible, because God already decided that he was going to heaven. He probably extended it to God deciding Anna was his wife and thus he is actually incapable of marrying anyone else other than her.

I don't know if he was paid for it, but he used to "work" at his B-mum's antique store but it went out of business earlier this year. Three guesses as to why they struggled to get customers?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Anna Writes Aboot Nick

Probably his sheer idiocy (which is, of course, also one of the most obnoxious things about him). As I think I mentioned, I'm pretty sure a lot of his ignorance is intentional and that he actively avoids learning anything new. It'd almost be sad if it were someone less terrible, but with Nick it wraps around to just being funny a lot of the time. (That, and sometimes you have to laugh to keep from wanting to blow your brains out.)

On a quasi-related tangent, while trawling through my Tumblr archives, I found a post I made asking people to report him for harassment on Twitter following him making comments about how he intended to start murdering people to win my heart. (I honestly can't believe I forgot that part, but that was a thing that he said. Seeing as how you've all made me feel quite comfortable, I've decided to suck it up and link to the post. (I mean, my blog is 99% dumb fandom crap anyway, a dime a dozen really, so there's not much there that could actually be used against me even if I had legitimate concerns about you guys, and frankly it's not like it'd be terribly hard to find my Tumblr anyway.)

Here's the post in question. And, for added info, here's a follow-up regarding the steps I and my friends and family had taken. My theme doesn't show exact dates, but judging by the reblogs of the follow-up post, this all went down in April of 2013.

Hopefully the post I linked to doesn't break any rules regarding doxxing--it does mention the town he lives in, his birthdate, and his actual surname, but the latter two are freely visible on his ED page (which, depressingly, is relatively accurate, at least in regards to Nick himself) and a little extra digging does reveal his hometown as well, so I'm guessing it's okay. If not, do let me know and I'll remove the link.

Ed Note: The links she added are dead.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Anna Goes Into More Detail Aboot Nick

On the wiki: Nick used to have a forum that was decently popular. It wasn't HUGE, but there was a small, fairly dedicated userbase. I think I remember him initially creating the wiki as a place to put inside jokes from the forum and general stuff along those lines, but I could easily be mistaken. It's been a long time.

On the teeth thing: As I previously mentioned, awful teeth seem to be a family thing. Now, I would be shocked if he actually brushed them, but I'm also not entirely sure he's seen a dentist in a long time, if at all, just judging by how Amber's teeth seem to be going in much the same direction. Like I said, his family is super neglectful and lazy. My guess is that it's a combination of terrible hygiene and the fact that he's still pretty much dependent on his family (and probably always will be), who don't seem to care much about anything, including their children.

As for why he doesn't brush them, I can only speculate that he justifies it using the same logic he uses to justify not bathing or showering: he "doesn't get dirty" (meaning, in this specific case, that he doesn't participate in any specific activities that'd cause him to become covered in grime...although one would think masturbating with his own feces would count), so he believes he has no need to shower or clean himself in any way. He has a really fundamental misunderstanding of how most things work, and hygiene is one of those things.

On his fear of water: It's not a fear of water per se, I don't think. It's a more specific fear called ablutophobia, which is the fear of bathing. Remarkably, this is a documented phobia...but it's only even remotely common among very young children. And I'm frankly not inclined to believe he actually suffers from such a phobia--I think it's just something he claims to make his refusal to bathe more "acceptable".

Anna Q and A

hurrhurrhurr: Feel free to ask questions! That's more or less what I came here for. So here are some answers!

#1. When/how did Nick decide that it was fated for you to be his wife? 
I'm honestly not sure. It all started out as what seemed to be a harmless crush, but it escalated over time. If I find anything that pinpoints when the "WE ARE FATED TO BE MARRIED" bullshit started, I'll share it--I'm looking through my LJ for relevant posts right now, and if I find anything that can give you a rough timeframe I'll definitely make a note of it.

#2. Do you have any chatlogs/emails from him? 
I don't have any chatlogs that I know of, and I'm afraid I haven't for quite some time. I seem to recall that I erased pretty much all of them from the computer I had when we were still in contact. Said computer is long since dead (it bit the dust not long after the whole mess began, I think), and since I've had to replace my computer several times since that one died, they're likely lost forever, at least on my end.

As for emails, I do likely have a few of those on some of my older email accounts. I'll do some digging.

#3. Can you shed some more information on his family life? All we are getting is that his Dad is some loser who smoked weed with him when he was 12 and that his mom and Joyce think if they pray enough Nick will stop being a freak rather than seek mental health.
Here's what I've gathered:
His stepdad is (was?), allegedly, physically abusive. This led to an incident where Nick physically assaulted him, which led to him being sent to a psych ward for a bit. (It would be great if that had actually helped, wouldn't it?)
He was homeschooled for several years--I think it was from 6th or 7th grade up until 11th grade, though I'm not sure of the exact years and I might be a bit off. However, it was not an especially hands-on form of homeschooling--he took his classes (if they can be called that) through a computer program (not even online--through an actual program). One thing that stands out about his homeschooling experience is that I distinctly remember him taking a "Bible class", which he frequently complained about.
His mom and aunt (the aforementioned Joyce) are, as I recall, extremely religious. See also: Bible class. If I might speculate a bit, I think some of their fundamentalist beliefs rubbed off on Nick--who, of course, warped them beyond belief, because he's Nick. That might be why he was so obsessed with my "purity" or whatever.
Nick also has a much older relative whom he refers to as Nanny, who I think is his grandmother (not sure on which side) but might be a great-aunt or something. I remember her being far more lenient about most everything than his mom, stepdad, and aunt.
His immediate family (mom, stepdad, aunt) seems to be quite neglectful in general. This might explain some of his physical health problems, as well as his hellish teeth. (He once claimed that his mom only has two teeth left, which I'm guessing was an exaggeration but probably has a grain of truth in it.) You'll notice, if you look at the pic of him and Amber, that the poor girl is in desperate need of braces, which, along with their apparent refusal to do anything about him probably molesting her, seems to indicate that they don't exactly shower her with attention or affection either. (I worry for that kid, I really do.)
I don't know much about his dad, but apparently he is, or at least was, an alcoholic, in addition to a stoner. Nick once claimed that he was conceived because his mom thought having a kid would convince his dad to kick his drinking habit; once again, this may or may not be the case.

#4. Did he ever threaten you?
That's actually a tricky question to answer. He never outright threatened to physically harm me; however, he would threaten to come to my house, and he did send incredibly disturbing death threats to both of my ex-boyfriends, Paul and Jeremy. He also all but threatened to rape Maddi at one point, saying that he'd fuck her whether she wanted it or not. (Please note that Maddi was around fifteen at the time this message was received. Lovely!)

It's worth noting that he did, at one point, talk to someone else (who later notified me) about whether or not it was legal to have sex with someone while they were asleep. While Nick claimed he would ask me for permission first, it's still disturbing and definitely of note.

So basically, while he never explicitly threatened physical harm towards me specifically, I always had the feeling that he would not hesitate to assault me in some way, were we in the same general vicinity, given his interactions with my friends.

RogerRabbit1988: Another tricky question, since he has so very few redeeming qualities. I think I'd have to go with his sheer stupidity. For example, I distinctly remember him assuming that the word "lungs" was singular and that humans only had one lung, and when I corrected him he assumed that one was in front of the other rather than them being side-by-side. To make things even more infuriating, most--if not all--of his ignorance of everything seemed, and still seems, to be willful. He revels in being stupid to an astonishing degree. I like to think I'm pretty intelligent for the most part (albeit not the best judge of character, it would seem!), and I try to surround myself with people who can (for lack of a better term) keep up with what I talk about, so that was (and is) a major turn-off in every way.

Anna Answers Questions on Kiwi Farms

Surtur said: ↑
Did he ever actually harm his sister?

I wish I could say I knew for certain. I also wish I could say I doubt that he did.

Unfortunately, given what I've seen and heard, in addition to my personal experience, I'd be surprised if he hadn't. I don't think he was "joking"--I think he admitted to an actual crime and only backtracked once people threatened to report him to the cops. I will admit that's all conjecture on my part, though.

One of the other issues, which I forgot to mention in the post (see, this is why you don't write out things like this at 2:30 in the morning!), is that his family is, by all accounts, genuinely awful. Not to the same degree as him, and not necessarily in the same way, but none of what I've been told by non-Nick people who have, in some way, been involved in the whole mess paints them as even remotely decent people themselves. As much as Nick bitches about them taking his stuff away, they've never really made much attempt to get him to work on his piss-poor mental health. (Or his hygiene, for that matter.) As such, I wouldn't be even remotely surprised if they didn't do a whole lot about Amber, either. I do recall that at one point his family told him he couldn't be around her alone anymore, which itself raises a shitton of red flags, but that seems to have been a temporary thing.

He also admits to having watched his sister taking a shit, and that he masturbated to it. As far as I know, he hasn't retracted that statement.

It seems like a super dysfunctional environment in general, and Nick isn't doing the poor kid any favors.

And to those of you who called me strong: thank you. I do suppose cutting ties with an abuser of any sort takes some degree of strength. :)

Ann's Side of The Story on Kiwi Farms


Ancaniuwu flower emoji

Hello, this is Anna. Yes, that Anna. Seriously. I know I cannot prove to you that it is, in fact, me, but please read this regardless. I want to address what happened and give my side of the story, and to address a few bits of misinformation. I do hope this info is of use.

This is gonna be a long post, and I do apologize for that; however, the full story is far too long to condense. Given the length of it, I'll post it under a spoiler.

Nick and I first met on a wiki for a long-forgotten webtoon several years ago. I was, I believe, 13 at the time--possibly 12, but given the timeline, 13 seems a bit more probable, so it almost certainly would have been in 2006 (my birthday is fairly early in the year). We became fast friends, because I was too fucking stupid to see that he was a creepy bastard.

In retrospect, there were a number of red flags that I really wish I had noticed. He was always clingy towards me, and frequently brought up his creepy fetishes. But, again, I didn't really notice. (Gimme a break--I was 13 and stupid.)

We actually became close enough that we would write actual, physical letters to each other. I had--and continue to have--several penpals, and I trusted him enough to give him my mailing address. This was, obviously, a huge mistake. So was exchanging cell phone numbers with him. Say it with me: I WAS 13 AND STUPID.

Now, there's one thing that I must note: I never gave Nick my home phone number or my street address. (The latter is different from my mailing address--my podunk little town runs on the P.O. box system.) This will be important later on.

His behavior didn't truly start scaring me until sometime in 2008. I remember him comforting me after a falling-out with a friend, which occurred about midway through the summer, but I was already starting to get a bit weirded out by the guy at this point. I wish I could remember what the straw that broke the camel's back was, but I really don't. All I know is that at some point, I blocked him on every IM client I used at the time.

For the next few months, I kept my fears secret from my parents, out of (unfounded, thank God) concern that they would blame me for what had happened. I distinctly remember my mom telling me I'd received a letter from him in (I think) October of 2008, and I told her to throw it away, saying he had been a dick and we weren't friends anymore. (Technically true, I suppose, but reductive at best.) However, this cover was blown late in the year--at some point in either late November or December, he called my house.

As I mentioned before, I NEVER gave Nick my home phone number, so I was naturally terrified. Luckily, my mom managed to cover for me, and was able to hang up. He hasn't called back since, as far as I know.

Obviously, the whole story came spilling out then. I'm very, very fortunate that my parents have been loving and supportive throughout this whole trial.

I must admit that I did not completely cut off contact with Nick at first. In fact, my old Twitter shows that I still talked to him up until late August of 2009. (Dumb as fuck of me, I know.) None of what I said to him was pleasant. Here are a few notable tweets from that old account of mine.

Additionally, a (former) friend of mine by the name of Jessa--who I believe has been mentioned in this thread a few times--would try to organize "Anna Therapy", as she called it, in an attempt to make him less obsessed with me. This "therapy" consisted of MSN conversations between the three of us. Needless to say, it did absolutely nothing to help.

Fast-forward a bit, to 2011 and the infamous 789chan thread(s). This was where Maddi entered the picture--she had also been dealing with harrassment from Nick, and, if I recall correctly, may have been the OP of the initial thread. (She and I are actually pretty good friends these days, but that's irrelevant.) I also recall having to get my cell phone number changed roughly around the same time, since Nick would not stop texting me.

Another notable thing about 2011 is that I lost my virginity that year. Nick was insistent that this never actually happened and that I was lying about it. (When I came out as gay about a year and a half later, having realized that I wasn't actually attracted to men, he took that as "proof" that we hadn't "done stuff".) He began threatening to kill my then-boyfriend (who admittedly did egg Nick on a bit, though certainly not enough to earn death threats).

In general, Nick has not approved of any of my life decisions, such as starting college or dating people who aren't him. Hell, I'm pretty sure he didn't even want me to finish high school--I know he viewed dropping out as some sort of achievement, and I'm sure he was unhappy that I did, in fact, graduate.

I should also note that, fortunately, Nick has not attempted to contact me directly for a few years now. This is a small mercy, however, given that--as you all know, of course--he still tweets about me incessantly. I live in genuine fear that someday he'll try to contact me again, or worse, show up outside my house.

And that's the story from my end. I've probably forgotten a few things, but that's the general gist of it.

Now, to clear a few things up and add some extra info:

-I'm not sure where the idea that I was born in Canada came from. I was born in North Carolina and moved to California when I was six, and have never been a long-term resident of any other country, Canada obviously included. It's possible there's some confusion with Jessa there, since she actually is from Canada; however, I seem to recall him having an obsession with the country pretty much since we met.

-Regarding the Amber thing, I'm not sure he ever brought it up with me. (The Anna he was chatting with in the IM log posted in this thread is the other Anna, the one who lives in Britain or something. I don't know much about her, just that she's also named Anna.) However, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that he did indeed molest her. I'm fairly sure he did admit to me that he's a pedophile, and given everything else about him, I've no reason to doubt that.

-Humorously enough, several of the things on Nick's "ideal girlfriend" list don't apply to me. I have several piercings and a tattoo with plans for more of both, I'm an agnostic deist rather than a Christian (though I was raised Anglo-Catholic), I'm actually a bit flinchy about physical contact and thus wouldn't call myself a "hug monster", I have a vagina, I'm not into poop, and I'm not a virgin. The one that strikes me as odd is the "not a vegetarian" thing, though. I was actually raised vegetarian, and remained so until I was around 17. I guess that just proves how little he cares about me as a person, that he doesn't know that.

-I'm sure this has already been mentioned, but Bate isn't his real last name--his full name is Nickalaus Stoutzenberger. (Yes, really.) He's also been using "Nick Nickel" as an alias lately, as shown on his Twitter--Nickel being my last name.

-Any references to someone named "Jo" on his Twitter are of special note. My given name is Johanna, though I've gone exclusively by Anna since before meeting Nick. Jo was a childhood nickname, and for some time he used that on his Twitter to refer to me, apparently as an incredibly shitty attempt at obfuscating who he was truly referring to.

-My family and I did attempt to get the authorities involved--several times, in fact. However, the sheriff dismissed our concerns entirely, and the DA was unable to do much given the fact that Nick lives in another state.

All in all, Nick is a terrible excuse for a human being. He's an abusive, manipulative borderline sociopath with no regard for other people, he's quite likely delusional (I say "quite likely" because it's entirely possible he doesn't believe a word he says about fate and God and all that), and he's disgusting on every possible level. I truly hope he gets locked up, and frankly I won't feel entirely safe in the world unless and until he does.

Thanks for reading. I hope I was able to shed some light on the situation.

Ed Note: Here's the link.