Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Sunday, December 20, 2009


December 20th, 2009



Do you think honesty is really the best policy when it comes to relationships? Is total honesty possible, let alone desirable?
YES. If you're in a relationship, you shouldn't be lying or hiding things from your partner. A strongrelationship is one in which you can be comfortable with being completely open with each other, even if what you're open about isn't exactly good news.

But unfortunately, I've learned the hard way that being open and honest kinda repels people from you. So... maybe you should actually be in a relationship before you're completely open. And by that I don't mean lie to people, but... don't blurt out how much you love crossdressing or how small your penis is unless it's absolutely necessary and until the person you're telling is already really close to you.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


So, I'm reading over my 200+ logs I saved from my conversations with Anna, and I've gotta say... I was pretty annoying back then. Like, in late 2006/early 2007 I was constantly reminding her that she was supposed to call me. (Eventually she finally did. Twice.) And it seems like most of our conversations have at least one instance of me asking her to marry me or play PS2 nekkid while I watch and jack off to it or whatever, and her just saying "maybe", all mundane-like. She probably thought I was annoying, too, but just didn't want to say it.

Then I began wondering. How long did this go on? Was I still like this in August of 2008, when she blocked me? Could this have been the reason?

Of course, I've changed now, but I assume that she still thinks I'm like that. But damn, how can I prove I've changed after being annoying for so long?

Phil comments on Anna's LJ!

Okay, so yeah, it was me. I completely forgot that account existed until I read the log of when we started doing it. I was gonna do another comment being like, "Is it Nick? Or am I really your cartoon crush, giving you sound advice? OooOoooOOOooo!" but apparently she blocked all the BS accounts. So yeah.

But seriously, Anna, Phil speaks the truth. I love you. Why won't you at least give me a chance? And I mean damn, the fact that we worked on that project together should give you a hint. We used to be such good friends... always doing fun little projects like that together. What happened to those days, huh?

As a side note, does Anna actually read this blog? Because she probably should. I need a way to communicate things to her.

Ed Note: Pic is no longer there.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


December 16th, 2009



If your best friend and/or romantic partner read all of your email for the last month (or longer), how would it impact your relationship(s) and why?

It wouldn't matter in the least. Most of my emails are either automated things from Twitter, Facebook, etc. alerting me when things happen or chat logs I sent to myself for archival purposes.

In the rare event I do exchange personal emails with an actual person, it's never anything secretive. I don't keep secrets. I prefer to get everything out in the open before I meet new friends because if I do it after, they may decide they don't like me anymore.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'M SICK. :(

music: The Beatles - Sea of Time | Powered by

Somehow I managed to catch a cold while here at my dad's, which is weird because nobody else here had one. But yeah, it's pretty terrible. It's making my usual post-nasal drip a ton worse, so much so that I keep vomiting due to all the mucus draining into my stomach. So, I looked up post-nasal drip on Wikipedia and I think I may have finally found my answer after four or five years of searching: nasal irrigation.

I haven't really tried it yet, but I probably will when I go home. I emailed my mom, who emailed my aunt (who's a nurse), who told me to try nasal sprays. So I dunno, maybe they'll get me some of those to try. We'll see. By the time I go home my cold'll probably be gone, but hopefully it'll help with my usual post-nasal drip.

Also, I learned from Dad that he has the same problem (mucus going down his throat and causing him to vomit), so it's probably hereditary. GEE, THANKS DAD. Oh, and he also told me I was illegitimate. Woo!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Feelin' optimistic.

Although I usually fluctuate back-and-forth between optimism ("Dude, I can feel it! Anna'll love me!") and pessimism ("Crap, what if I don't marry her? WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO HER?! OH GOD!"), recently I've been feeling pretty optimistic, like, constantly. I just woke up like that one day. I think maybe I had another one of my psychic dreams in which I'm hanging out with her IRL, but I can't remember.

Anyway, it only got reinforced even more when I had a heartwarming conversation with one of my friends yesterday. This is new because generally my conversations aren't heartwarming. In fact, they're usually heart... uh... coldening... with like, everyone insulting me and stuff. My self-esteem was boosted a bit by it.

And as if I weren't already in an uncharacteristically good mood after that, I was IMed by Kate. You might recall the incident two posts back in which she was involved. But to my great surprise, the conversation turned out to be quite civil. I mean, she did state that she hated me and wanted to castrate me, but other than that it was actually p cool.

So yeah, I'm actually in somewhat of a good mood now. Obviously I can't say I'm happy or even content quite yet, because uh Anna still doesn't love me, but at the moment I'm not as depressed as usual. I guess it's kind of a neutral mood... more leaned toward good than bad though. I dunno, I'm an Aspie. I don't know crap aboot feelings.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


So here's the summary of the past fortnight I spent offline.

First thing that happened as soon as I came home was Mom yelling at me for saying I hated her on Facebook. She kicked me out of the house for a few days, until I eventually decided to fake-apologize so I could get back in and hang out with AO and my cats.

We also got a visit from this woman who, when I was a child, took me out for ice cream, took me to the playground, baked cookies with me, etc. I gave her a (very) brief summary of what's been going on in my sucky life and then we helped AO make a gingerbread house. Here is the result:

We also got two books of McDonald's coupons that expire December 31st. I've been trying to use them all before then, usually by buying lots of Angus burgers and coffees every day. I'm not sure I'll make the deadline, as I haven't even made a dent and I have to take a fortnight's break while I'm at Dad's house.

That's the gist of it. But just for kicks, I'll disclose my current obsessions. Digimon World 2 (although it's fading now), and The Venture Bros. I might see if I can get back into Clone High soon, too.

Ed Note: Pic is gone and I can't find it online.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Operation McFly

So. During my two-week absence from the Internet, I devised a new plan. You see, I bought two large coffees (a latté and a mocha, to be exact) from McDonald's, and upon drinking them, I realized I had traveled one minute back in time.

So I did some math. Assuming one coffee takes me back in time 30 seconds, I would have to drink 13,665,600 coffees to go back in time 13 years. Why would I want to go back 13 years, you ask? The answer is simple. 13 years ago, Anna was 2 (almost 3). This is the approximate time she moved to California.

Once I drink these coffees, I will become a 5-year-old again but will retain all my memories from being 18. Then, I will utilize said memories to do things that would be supernatural for a five-year-old to do, such as predict events and excel in school. 

Everyone will think I'm a prophet or something, and I'll use this to command my family to move to California. Preferably right next door to Anna. Then, Anna and I will be able to grow up together IRL. And by hanging out with me IRL, she'll actually get to know me unlike how the past five years of Internet-only friendship went down. Then she'll realize I'm not a stalker and will fall in love with me.

Now, the problem is... how will I afford that many coffees? They're $3.19 a piece IIRC, so that's a grand total of $43,593,264, not even counting tax. Hmm. :s

EDIT: Nevermind. I'm really, really dumb.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


November 21st, 2009



What's your daily internet "routine"?

Well, I have Chrome set up to automatically open Meebo, Gmail and HMB: The Board upon startup. So the very first thing I do is log into those. Then I start up TweetDeck. From here on it all depends on my mood, really, but generally I check on my status in online games I play (right now those would be Kings of Chaos and NationStates), see if my friends updated any of their profiles on Facebook, dA, LJ, etc., and look at the latest TMBG/H*R/Pokémon news on their respective wikis.

Since I'm usually online for hours at a time, I basically cycle through all the sites repeatedly, refreshing each one over and over until I'm kicked off of the computer or decide to get off by myself. I also IM people and cue up some music to listen to, although recently I haven't been doing the latter much because I broke my good headphones and am relegated to iPod earbuds. And since those are only like two feet long and the tower is on the floor, I have to bend over to a 90-degree angle when I want to hear things, which hurts my neck and back and makes it hard to, you know, type and see the monitor and stuff.

Sometimes I'll also work on some sort of project if I'm really bored. Like, maybe I'll write a fanfic or make a Flash game/toon or whatever. I've never actually finished anything I've ever started, though.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Drama on dA!

So I decided to keep a separate blog specifically for Anna-related events. If you don't know who Anna is, then, uh, maybe you shouldn't even be here. I've explained the story millions of times and I'm tired now.

Welp, here's the first entry.

Apparently Caleb sent Anna the following email:

you're nothing without nick which I find to be very lol

Without nick you're not interesting or appealing in any way, the majority of your "Online friends" are only your friend because Nick's exploits towards you are hilarious.
With his efforts he's going to find love before you, and you'll be a long lost memory.
(and god knows not a very pleasant one)
And once he's gone, the friends that are around to laugh with you at Nick, will be gone
you will be friendless in real life, and offline, too.

P.S. Fat people are disgusting.

P.P.S. your thinning purple hair is disgusting.

P.P.P.S You're disgusting.

You are literally only interesting when Nick is in the picture. You have absolutely no interesting hobbies, or activities that you delve into. You have no social experiences thus no stories to tell in a social situation, or any way to relate to anyone elses social stories.

Nick completes you.
You are fully socially inept without this loser being a creep towards you. You are as bad as Nick, but you have a way to displace your terrible social skills and loneliness.
By laughing at Nick every time you feel like you have the short end of the stick socially.


Obviously I was pretty pissed. I then proceeded to yell at him for doing this.

So then, as she usually does, Anna gets her friends to do her dirty work for her. Kate left a comment on Caleb's dA. He then commented back. It went on for minutes upon minutes. I think the comments are probably "HIDDEN BY OWNER" now, so linking to them would be futile. Anyway, I joined in to say that Anna's not a "purple pig", at which point both Caleb and Kate told me to GTFO.

Later on, Kate and some other person Anna knows invited me to an MSN chat so they could once again tell me to leave Anna alone. By now I've learned arguing over the Internet is dumb and futile, but whatever, I presented my case to them anyway. Of course, because they are stubborn, they didn't listen anyway. Don't know why I even bothered.

Then Anna reported me to dA for harrassment. Explain to me how that works out. Wasn't I on HER side? I've gotta say, that woman perplexes me sometimes.


Okay, I made another blog for postings related to THAT ONE PERSON:

So now when I vent my frustration, it'll be on that blog, meaning from now on this one will be just Nick doin' crazy ol' Nick things. So now everyone trying to stay out of the debate won't have Anna thrown in their face all the time.

The downside is now I don't know what to post in THIS blog. :o

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Hate to bring this up again, but uhh

If any of you've been following me on Twitter, you probably noticed me talking aboot a girlfriend I got IRL. Well, this was one of our plans and it involved me pretending to have an IRL girlfriend to either A. make Anna jealous and love me or B. make Anna realize I'm a good boyfriend and love me. It would've gone smoothly but somehow the other members of my Anna team assumed I was lying (I hadn't told them of my plan yet) aboot having a girlfriend (they were right, but that's not the point) and screwed everything up by getting an actual girl online to pose as my girlfriend. Which was p dumb because I was going to hire someone to pose in a picture with me to use as "proof". Obviously with an online person this would be impossible.

But things went fine for a little while. Then one of the members of my Anna team FUCKED IT ALL TO HELL by telling her I don't really have a girlfriend. He also suggested that the only thing interesting aboot Anna is me and called her fat and a pig and stuff. While all my friends, everyone I've met IRL, and people I don't even know on /b/ agree with him fully, it's completely untrue and was completely out of line. Anyway, this of course sparked bullshit on dA. One of Anna's friends commented on this TRAITOR'S dA, and he replied. I can only imagine things will escalate into ED-worthy lulz if I don't intervene.

Please, for the love of God, guys, don't argue on dA. Arguing ANYWHERE on the Internet is dumb. Especially when you follow the cliché of sending another friend to speak for you. No one will win and It will only make people laugh at you.

This being said, I'm still not a creepy stalker, blah blah blah, Anna, give me a chance, et cetera et cetera.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


November 18th, 2009



What three items would you place in a time capsule to help future generations understand you?

Most importantly would be my collection of Anna memorabilia (two binders, a series of CD-Rs, and aflash drive of photos, recordings, letters, videos, etc. I've collected of her). So that's one.

Next I'd probably gather up a bunch of my writings about They Might Be Giants, Bonus Stage, and all my other obsessions. See, I gain a new obsession every few weeks and for the duration of it, I'll just randomly write all kinds of stuff aboot it for no real reason and never, like, re-read over it or anything.

Finally, my hypothetical journal which will explain the purpose of the previous items and probably other stuff, too. P.S. the purpose of the previous items is to showcase my love, dedication, thoroughness and, um... nerdiness? I guess?

Friday, November 13, 2009


Would you rent or buy the home of your dreams if a brutal murder had taken place there? What if you got to live there rent-free? Would you think twice if neighbors warned you that it was haunted?

No, I would never live there even if it was free! Heck, not even if I was paid to do it. I've seen enough ghost movies/shows to know I'd become the next victim if I stay in a haunted house.

More of Skitty

More of Skitty

Peace, Dawg

Peace, dawg



Thursday, November 12, 2009


(I tried using an LJ cut, but something went screwy with the thing. Sorry.)

Here are the things I currently need.

my TMBG collection is pretty respectable, but I'm on a quest to obtain every different version of every song released in any format (but I'm focusing on CD for now). As such, there's still a lot of things I need, mostly rare EPs that only really feature one new track.

These include Sleeping in the Flowers, 2001 Radio Sampler No. 1, 2001 Radio Sampler No. 2, S-E-X-X-Y, The Guitar, What We Did This Summer, I Palindrome I, The Leonard Lopate Show Single, etc.

Then there's a couple audiobooks that, if I had them, would contribute LOADS of new tracks. These would be The Partly Cloudy Patriot and They Might Be. Giants vs. McSweeney's.

Also, I need John Linnell's and Mono Puff's albums. I have absolutely zero of their releases.

There are also plenty of various artist compilations that TMBG contributed to. I don't even know them all, but a few include A Tribute to George Harrison, Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers OST, Selections from Rubaiyat, Coraline Soundtrack, etc.

Yes, I'm so obsessed with TMBG that I'll buy a CD just for one of their songs.

The Beatles
I already sent my aunt to fetch me the rest of the new Beatles remasters that I don't already have, so I'll probably get some of those for Christmas. I'd also like Love, though. Some of those mashups are pretty good.

Other bands
For those paying attention to my canonical twelve favourite bands, there's nine more to discuss. I think my Green Day collection is good as is. I don't really listen to them much and they just BARELY qualify as one of my fave bands. "Weird Al", on the other hand, is a collection needing improvement. I only have one release by him, "The Food Album", which isn't even an actual album.

I also need anything by the newest additions Jack Off Jill and Scarling., and also all three of theSTART's albums. I do have their Death Via Satellite EP, but that's only six tracks. When I put all my stuff on shuffle I hardly ever find theSTART.

For the Pixies, I still need Surfer Rosa and Trompe le Monde, and anything containing tracks not found on their actual albums. As far as I know Come On Pilgrim, Pixies at the BBC, and Pixies are the only ones. I could be wrong, though. I have all three Nirvana albums, but again, I need non-album tracks, so... MTV Unplugged, Singles... possibly more, I dunno. I really like the song "Spank Thru" but the only good version of it is on Outcesticide IV, a bootleg.

The last band is Dethklok. And since they only have two releases, um... not a problem. They're low on my priority list, though.

Not music
Other things I need other than music include an external hard drive (1tb+ of storage plz), a USB scanner (apparently Thom's getting me one, woo!), a video recorder (Nanny might be getting me one), an accordion, a top hat, a fedora, platform shoes, aaaand I forget what else was on my list.

DVDs would also be a nice change. The only DVDs I own are 5 of the 6 Rozen Maiden volumes and the first three Sbemail DVDs. I'd like more DVDs of TV shows and stuff, like Family Guy, South Park, King of the Hill, etc. The remaining Rozen Maiden DVD is included in that request. T_T

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Do you think romantic chemistry is instant or evolving? Have you ever given someone a second (or third) chance and lived to regret it? Have you ever fallen in love with someone you didn't particularly like or desire at first?

Well, again, I believe in soul mates, so it's up to fate. Sure, sometimes people will fall in love right when they meet, but I find that most often people hang out for a while and don't realize they're in love for weeks, months, or even years. It all depends on the people and what God has planned out for 'em.

As for the second question, I give people infinite chances both related to love and in general. I usually do regret it but I'm too afraid if I piss someone off they'll kill me. So I don't piss people off. Ever.

And for question three, no. Although I have loved someone (and still do) whom I liked at first but now dislike because she's kind of a jerk. And by "kind of" I mean she ranks up there with the most jerkiest in the world.

Friday, October 16, 2009


This week has been just... confusing. Dad approached me the other day saying his girlfriend wanted to take me back home to my other house so the two of them could have some alone time. This was three days ago and I'm still not back home yet. Don't get me wrong, I wanna stay here for as long as possible so I have Internet access, but I'd like for the confusion to be cleared up. I went through all the trouble of rushing to finish up my Internet business for the month, but then it turns out I have more time? FTW.

In other news, dad's girlfriend also informed me that she's giving me a month to get a job or I'm not going to be allowed to come here anymore. The problem with this, as we all know, is that I'm literally incapable of doing ANY job due to whatever mental illnesses I have (WHICH I STILL NEED DIAGNOSED). My family doesn't seem to understand this. So, I'm probably going to have to find a new way to obtain Internet access. I dunno, maybe I could ask my mom if I could get on her computer sometimes, but she doesn't let me IM or anything so I'm not sure how I'd be able to do, well, much of anything.

In short, I'm kinda screwed. I can probably keep in touch with Thom via text messaging, but I dunno how I'm gonna work on the whole Anna thing without Internet access. I've been advised that my original plan of just going to her house would probably be a bad idea, so the Internet is really the only contact I have with her. And even with the Internet, communications with her are pretty limited. AAAARGH WHAT DO I DO NOW

A Day in the Life

{Open to the living room of the Phoenix House, where Macen and Scott are seated on the couch.}

MACEN: Son, let me teach you about women.

SCOTT: They have vaginas!

MACEN: ...Yeah. Well. My work here is done. Go play somewhere.

{Scott runs off somewhere, just as several loud knocks are heard at the door. Macen opens said door, revealing a very bloody-headed Nick. Macen takes a moment to take this in.}

MACEN: ...Okay, first off, why are you here, and second, why are you here WITH A BLOODY HEAD?

NICK: Eh, I knocked with it. Hey, is Thom here?

MACEN: Do I look like his keeper?

NICK: I dunno aboot a Thomkeeper, but... {briefly pauses to dramatically take a drag on his cigarette} ...You sure look like a beekeeper.

{Macen angrily glares at him.}

MACEN: Get out.

{Cut to Thom's bedroom. Thom is seated at his computer desk, obviously using his computer. Nick pokes his head in the door.}


{Thom swivels his chair to face him.}


NICK: Yeah, hey, I has a question for you.

THOM: Hang on. {opens Audacity and presses the record button on his computer, then turns back to Nick} Okay, go.

NICK: Periods. Tampons. Explain please.

THOM: Hooboy.

NICK: I'm just trying to get prepared for bein' married. Inevitably my wife's going to have periods. What do I do aboot this?

THOM: Nick... Nick, she's the one who has to worry about that.

NICK: I know, but like... I wanna help her do stuff.

THOM: Nick, this is going to turn out exactly like the maternity clothes discussion.

NICK: Yeah but-

THOM: Nick. Nick. NICK. There are some things she won't want you to help with. This is one of them.

NICK: Alright. But just so I'm clear, uh... wings? No wings? Super-absorbant? What should I be looking for?

{Thom facepalms. We then cut to Goliath and Baby standing on the sidewalk outside the coffee shop, drinking coffee. Goliath is also holding an extra one.}

GOLIATH: And that's how I learned sticking forks in electrical outlets isn't always a good idea.

BABY: "Sigh."

{Nick enters the scene and stands next to them. Goliath tosses him the extra coffee, which he then sips.}

GOLIATH: How'd the Q&A session go?

NICK: Uh, not well, Goliath, not well. {sips coffee again} So, what flavour is this?

GOLIATH: Mocha. I decided to throw caution to the wind.

NICK: Mm. It's pretty good. Where's everyone else?


NICK: You know... those other three people we usually hang out with?

GOLIATH: I'm... I'm not... what three people?

NICK: Ugh. Baby, give a brotha some help here.


NICK: Thanks, B-Dawg.

GOLIATH: Oh, those guys. I don't know, they went someplace for a while.

NICK: ...I will inquire no further. So what's on the agenda for the rest of us?

GOLIATH: You're the leader while Anna's away, man.

NICK: Oh, right. {looks over at Baby} Baby, as leader, I'm making you the new leader.

BABY: "ffffffffff"

GOLIATH: What's today's mission, Cap'm Baby?

BABY: "I hate you so much, Nick..."

{Cut to a bit later. Nick, Baby and Goliath bust into the S.S. Ondine's bridge.}

NICK: Alriiiiight! Without Simon around, I can mess with his computer stuff!

{Nick immediately begins messing with the computer.}

BABY: "Hey, cut it out! That's important for our missions!"

GOLIATH: Lighten up, Baby. It's not like he's gonna delete all the mission data or anything.

{The monitor displays "ALL MISSION DATA DELETED".}

NICK: Uh-oh. That's not good.


NICK: Uhh... nothiiiiiing... I'ma gonna... go over here... to Anna's chambers... {he sneaks his way out the door}

BABY: "Dammit, now I have to figure out how to fix this." {begins toying with the computer}

GOLIATH: Have you even ever used a computer before?

BABY: "Of course I have. Remember all those dates I've been on?"


BABY: "Met online."


BABY: "Well, luckily the data wasn't deleted permanently. It was just moved to the recycle bin. Go figure."

GOLIATH: Cool. What kind of stuff is in there?

BABY: "Hm... says there's a treasure chest buried... in Macen's front yard?! How did we miss THIS?!"

GOLIATH: We gonna go dig it up?

BABY: "Eff yeah!"

{A lumpy-shirted Nick hobbles his way back in, pairs of panties falling out with each step.}

NICK: Okay, what'd I miss?

{Cut to just outside the Phoenix House. Nick, Baby and Goliath are staring up at it.}

BABY: "The main problem is going to be doing this without Macen noticing."

NICK: I could keep him distracted. That seems like something I'd be good at.

BABY: "Nice thinking. Head on in there and make sure NO ONE leaves the house. We can't have any of the other residents alerting Macen of our presence."

NICK: Gotcha! {runs in the house, without even knocking this time}

GOLIATH: What do I do?

BABY: "Hang on. I need to figure out the exact location of the treasure. Then, you'll dig it up."


{Baby presses a few buttons on his watch.}

BABY: "Uh-oh."


BABY: "I misinterpreted the data. The treasure isn't buried in Macen's yard... it's buried UNDERNEATH HIS HOUSE."

GOLIATH: How's that even possible?

BABY: "I don't know, but we're gonna figure it out."

{Baby, followed by Goliath, walks up to the door and knocks, with no response. After a short wait, he knocks again. Finally, Nick pokes his head out the door.}

NICK: Uh... Oh. Hey, guys.

BABY: "Nick, I was wrong. We need to examine the inside of the house."

NICK: Um... {shifts his eyes around a bit} Sure, not a problem.

BABY: "...What did you do in there?"

NICK: Uhh...

{Nick opens the door, revealing that he is now wearing a blood-soaked black cloak and holding an equally blood-soaked katana. Baby and Goliath step in and look around at the blood all over the walls.}


NICK: Don't worry, he'll be back in aboot a week.

BABY: "Who will be back in a-"

{Nick steps aside to reveal Macen's corpse.}

BABY: "Oh, okay. Let's go find the treasure."

{Cut to even more, as Nick, Baby and Goliath search through the living room for anything suspicious.}

BABY: "You guys find anything?"

GOLIATH: Nothing here.

NICK: Nothing here either.

{Thom walks in, takes a moment to look around at the blood, dead body and random people searching through his house, then leaves the way he came without saying a word.}

BABY: "Alright, the living room is clean. Metaphorically. Let's check the hallway."

{They walk through the hallway, looking around for anything that may be out of the ordinary.}

BABY: "Nothing here, either. We should split up and cover all the other rooms."

NICK: I'll go check out the bathroom.

GOLIATH: I call kitchen!

BABY: "Alright, then I'll go ask Thom if he's seen anything."

{As Nick walks over to the bathroom, he trips over something.}


GOLIATH: You okay?

NICK: This damn floorboard's loose.

BABY: "Wait... a loose floorboard?"

{Baby rushes over to the floorboard and examines it closely.}

NICK: Oh, sure, ignore the guy who just tripped over here.

BABY: "Stop doing drugs. Hey, wait a minute! Several of these floorboards are loose..."

{Baby removes the boards altogether. Underneath is pitch black.}

BABY: "Flashlight."

{Nick reaches into his pants, pulls out a flashlight, and hands it to Baby. Baby then aims it into the hole he uncovered.}

BABY: "A secret crawlspace..."

GOLIATH: Weird, we've never noticed this before until just now. Isn't it funny how things work out?

BABY: "Shh. We're going in there."

NICK: Hell no we're not! I've watched enough TV to know what's in every crawlspace ever - dead bodies.

BABY: "Nick, you just stabbed a man to death with a katana."

NICK: What's your point?

BABY: "Never mind. Goliath, are you coming?"

GOLIATH: Count me in, Cap'm!

BABY: "Okay... here we go..."

{Baby hops into the crawlspace. Goliath follows shortly after.}

GOLIATH: Sure is dirty down here.

BABY: "It's a crawlspace, Goliath. Of course it's dirty."

GOLIATH: I could clean this up no problem. I was thinking of becoming a maid, ya know.

BABY: "Shush, I'm trying to focus."

{The twosome continue crawling around, Baby fixated on his watch, until finally...}

BABY: "This is it."

GOLIATH: By Michael Jackson.

BABY: "Shut up. We need to dig here."

GOLIATH: I'm on it!

{Goliath begins digging, as dogs do, and unearths a treasure chest.}

BABY: "Bingo."

{Goliath punches the lock, busting it and opening the chest. Baby reaches into it.}

BABY: "Doubloons! Score!"

GOLIATH: Wow... that's pretty cliché.

BABY: "Well hey, it's also effective. Do you know how much unnecessary shit we can afford with this? A lot, Goliath. A lot."

GOLIATH: Point taken. Let's get out of here.

BABY: "Uh... that may be a problem."


{Baby points behind Goliath. It seems that, in his digging, he mistakenly blocked the exit with a mound of dirt.}

GOLIATH: Oh, right. That. {brief pause} DEUS EX MACHINA ATTACK! {Goliath abruptly stands upright, busting through the floor above him, which turns out to be the floor of Nikki's room.}

{Nick, who apparently was raiding Nikki's panty drawer, turns to face them in surprise.}


{Cut to later than evening, as the three relax in their hideout.}

BABY: "I'm pretty pleased with how things turned out. The others'll be pretty happy when they return."

NICK: Yup. Plus, when I was in Anna's room, I found some of her tampons. Now I know what kind to buy!

GOLIATH: Everything worked out for everyone!

BABY: "What aboot Macen?"

GOLIATH: Everyone.

{The end.}

Monday, October 12, 2009


Thanks to Thom I am now an audiophile who frets over bitrates and file formats. For the past few months I've been bringing a couple of my CDs to my Dad's house per visit (I can only fit five or six in my backpack) and ripping them as v0 mp3s to stick on my iPod.

Then I did the math and realized it would take me months, maybe even over a year to finish them all, seeing as I make a trip to Dad's house once a month. So this month I packed them ALL up in a crate to bring 'em along.

However, I'm not quite sure why I'm doing this. I'm getting an external hard drive soon, which means I'll have the space to rip FLACs instead. Sure, FLACs don't work on iPods, but I can easily convert FLACs to mp3, whereas I cannot convert mp3 to FLAC. This method would be much faster than having to rip all my CDs twice.

Yet I do it the slow, painful way regardless. I suppose I'm just impatient. Two weeks is too long a wait for my external hard drive~

Once I have it, though, the next step is better headphones. Then, an amp. Then of course I need more CDs. But once all of this is accomplished (in a few decades), I will have attained one of my life goals.

I'm not sure why I posted this.

A baby kitten

A baby kitten

I am hypnotizing you

I am hypnotizing you

nick liek beatles

nick liek beatles

The Haircut


Oh, That Skitty!

Oh, That Skitty!

They Day '09

They Day '09

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Do you believe in the concept of a soulmate? Do you think you've met him or her? Do you ever worry that "the one" got away?

AHAHAHAHA this question is perfect for me. I just HAD to answer it.

Yes, I believe in soul mates. And yes, I have definitely met her. Not in person, mind you. Not yet. But, ya know, letters, phone, IMs, etc. As for the getting away part, it is my belief that if "the one" got away, they were not really "the one" to begin with, because in the end you ALWAYS end up with your soul mate. ALWAYS.

Also, things with my soul mate are looking pretty bad right now (I don't even have to tell the story again because everyone already knows it) but as I said, fate will do its thing. :D