Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Sunday, June 10, 2007


So now I'm working on an H*R fanfic for HRFWiki. The first few lines of it seem pretty good and very in-character, but it'll probably go downhill from here seeing as I'm really bad at writing, especially after having good ideas and then using them all up in one script, therefore sucking all the creativity out of me in one huge suck of suckiness.

I also talked to another online friend of mine tonight. It was pretty fun. We did this thing where we said some random facts aboot ourselves and the other person had to not be disgusted. Of course, I'm immune to disgust, so I didn't even flinch. But as for him, he gagged a few times. Figures.

And apparently I get to stay up late! It's 3:15 AM, and my usual bedtime is 2 AM. HUZZAH.


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