Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I WIN. ^^

I had cybersex last night, sorta. Except it was more like cyberrape. IT TOTALLY COUNTED.

I woke up pretty early this morning, having a coughing fit like I usually do. I'm guessing it's caused by the mucus in my throat that I keep coughing up. But I'm still not sure why it's there in the first place. I was thinking maybe I have tonsillitis, but I don't think tonsils cause you to cough up mucus. And plus I've had this crap for over a year now and haven't died yet. But it's still annoying and pissing me off. >_<

WF keeps trying to make me watch some movie called 300 or something. Him and NT say I'd like it, but this is not true. I suspect that everyone is unaware of my likes and dislikes. So I will point them out now.

Likes - Satire and dark comedy (Bonus Stage, Family Guy, Futurama, South Park), stoner movies (Jay and Silent Bob, Cheech and Chong, Harold and Kumar).

Dislikes - Action, horror, sci-fi (Star Trek, Jaws), drama, reality shows, cop/detective/hospital/court shows (CSI, Law and Order, ER), everything else.

With that out of the way, I still need to figure out what do aboot this whole WF kicking my ass in DBZ ordeal. Also, I want Tara to adopt me. Also, I need to finish that SKF characters page. Also, I should stop saying also. Also, I need to hang out with Anna. Also, I need to think of a good avatar. Also, I'm hungry and should probably eat but I don't really feel like it and also I'm fat so I should just stop eating for a few months. Also, I'm in a kinda bad mood today. I dunno why. Oh, and I'm really, really horny. I need to engage in some anal sex. But I caaaaaan't. ;_;


Monday, July 30, 2007


location: up yer butt
mood:  tired tired
music: theSTART

While he was away doing his college registration crap, me and his friend plotted against him. He kicks the crap out of everyone who challenges him to DBZ Budokai 3, so we were trying to come up with strategies and train our characters and stuff. When WF got back, I challenged him with my newly-levelled up character and still got my ass kicked. I need to come up with a better strategy. ;_;

I also talked to Tara recently-- first time in a while. The conversation was great; I should post it somewhere someday perhaps maybe.

Batia Studios Updates - There's a new official website (hosted temporarily on Freewebs) located here. So far all that's up is the index page, shorts page, and the crappy Cloudwatching short that I just finished. I'm currently working on the characters page. It's taking a while. Oh, and when I do finish it, don't go downloading the Flash file and looking for secrets. Because there aren't any. I also recorded a short improv conversation between Nick and Goliath, which I may consider animating sometime. That's right-- RECORDED. Meaning VOICE ACTING. And NO SPEECH BUBBLES.


Friday, July 27, 2007


That's right. It's time once again for fun facts!*

1. People tell me I look like John Lennon. Can't quite say I see the resemblance, but okay.

2. I'm tone-deaf! =D

3. Despite being a hippie, I don't like Dark Side of the Moon. -GASP-

4. I take my shirt off to go to the bathroom. I'm sure people have seen me putting it back on as I walk out and assumed I've been jacking off in there.

5. I'm ablutophobic (the fear of bathing). I still bathe anyway, I just freak out while doing so.

*Fun not guaranteed. No refunds.


So I've been at Vacation Bible School for the past few days. I'm sure you guys missed me. ...right? I'm not making too big an assumption...? Ha, so okay, I go to VBS every year, and this was the best one ever so far, especially because this year it was outside and involved getting soaked! Basically, every year it's a five-day program over the summer, and unfortunately I missed the first day. But whatever. I also neglected to bring my stuff back to Nanny's until like, the fourth day, so I made do with what I didn't bring to Dad's... my Gameboy, some paper/pens, a bottle, food, etc. Anyway, now it's time for a long account of each day at VBS.
VBS - Day 2! First we did our intro, where everyone gathered at the main tent to do some sing-a-longs. Then, we split up into our groups. My group is cool. It consists of Alex, Adam, Aly, Nick, and Maria. However, Maria is only really there for the lesson and doesn't play the games or make crafts, so I dunno where she keeps running off to. My guess is she's anti-social, like me. I even have a picture of our group. I should show it somehow. Anyway, our group went to our tent and our teacher, Linda, taught us our Bible lesson. She talked a bit aboot the Apocalypse, which scared me. I was totally not expecting them to scare children at VBS. After our lesson, all the groups joined together again to make crafts. Though I basically try to stick with my group all the time anyway. So, the day's craft was gluing seashells to a wooden cross. We usually have snacks sometime after crafts, too. It was Rise Crispy treats and punch today. And then came the games. Day 2's games were crazy. First, we split up into teams (Not our same groups as I previously mentioned, our teams for this game were determined by what sticker we were wearing. We all had to pick a sticker earlier in the day.) and formed a line. There were four teams, and each had a bucket in front of them, right? Okay, so then there was this other big water-filled bucket a few yards in front of all of the teams. Each team was given a cup, which we were to run to the big bucket, fill with water, then carry on our heads back to our teams's bucket (and there was a hole in the bottom of each cup!), dump the water in our bucket, and give the cup to the next person. Whoever got their bucket filled first won. It wasn't my team, which is good, because we found out that the prize for winning is having your bucket of water thrown at you. The second game was even more hilarious and very difficult. We had to pop water balloons using our butts. You might be thinking, "hey, I bet he enjoyed watching the girls", but no, keep in mind the oldest girl there was Aly, and she's 13. Most of the VBS attendees were little kids. So, I did a backwards flying tackle, and missed my balloon twice. That was slightly painful. However, I got it on the third try. Soon came the wrap-up, with more sing-a-longs, then we all went home. Sometime during the day, Alex, Adam and Aly were discussing homemade illegal fireworks. I fear they're going to blow up the city. :p
VBS - Day 3! Adam and Alex were not here today, as they were at a sports game of some kind. So it was pretty much just me and Aly. After the intro and Bible lesson was the crafts, of course. We made bracelets! Me and Aly found a mostly-empty table to work on, though there was another little kid there who was talking to us. He kinda reminded me of Gilbert Gottfried. The three of us discussed some stuff while we waited for teachers to come help us. Apparently Aly thinks Final Fantasy is awesome. I approve of this. Today's "game" was a hay ride! And while we waited for the other hay ride to come back (there were two of them, one for little kids and one for the kinda older kids), we had a squirtgun fight! Of course, I was unlucky with my guns. They wouldn't fill up right, and refused to fire. All the little kids were ganging up on me. I pretty much ran for cover. Especially because someone splashed water out of the bucket all over me while I was attempting to refill mah gun. And I felt something heavy and pointed strike me in the back of my neck. It was Aly, who apparently turned on me and shot me from behind. This called for revenge. But my guns never let me get that revenge anyway. I was completely soaked, mostly from that person that splashed water out of the bucket, but the hay ride dried me off. While on the ride, we passed Mom's house, and I pointed that out to people. Little kids started asking me aboot the horses that were out in the corral. I forget which horses they were. I can't really tell them apart except by their haulter color, which I couldn't see from the road. But yeah, I think I became a bit popular due to my pets.
VBS - Day 4! Adam and Alex were back today. Our craft today was decorating this wooden cube thing, which has this wire coming out the top and going around in a spiral. We then received pictures of our group taken on the second day, which we put in the spiral. I still have it. It's sitting up there on my dresser at Nanny's, along with a picture of me and a black-and-white printed-out photo of, uh, take a wild guess. Adam and Alex were also putting stickers all over Aly. I watched. Today's "game" was a huge slip-'n'-slide! I tried to stick close to my group in line. They were going crazy and throwing stickers at eachother. This one litte kid was punching Adam/Alex. Don't ask me which one. They're twins. Hard to tell apart. The slip-'n'-slide wasn't really as fun as watching my group's antics in line, but it was still okay. Sometime during the day, Adam, Alex and Aly were all chasing eachother, and I managed to grab ahold of one of the boys from behind so Aly could get some free shots in. I believe a bunch of little kids were also still using the squirtguns from yesterday, and continued to do so on the last day.
VBS - Day 5! This was the day to rule all days. No craft today, but there were tons of games. Carnival games, even! A dunk tank (I tried twice, six balls total, and failed to dunk anyone), throwing bean bags through holes, shooting some little kid in the face with a squirtgun, and more. I won a decent amount of candy. Like, half a small paper bag maybe. Aly claims she was on her second bag, though. Oh, and the slip-'n'-slide was there again. Parents were allowed to stay today, so my aunt was there, and she made me go down the slide so she could get a picture. Mom went down, too, but the camera died before a picture could be taken. Well, with Mom's face, I don't blame it. Poor camera never stood a chance. The games lasted much longer than usual, and we all had free-roaming. We could just walk around and play whatever. I failed to stick near my group this time, so I gave up and stuck with my sister (yes, my sister goes to VBS, too). After all the festivities and wrap-up and stuff, I talked to Aly, Adam and Alex. I explained to them what a second-person shooter would be. They agreed that if one were to exist, it would be awesome and extremely hard. I also got Adam and Alex's email address, so we'll probably keep in touch. Aly forgot her screenname, so I didn't get any contact info from her, but she said she's coming back next summer (she's visiting from North Carolina), so hopefully we'll be in the same group again or whatever. I also got Linda's phone number. She told us to call if we need to talk aboot anything, so yeah.

So there's your report for where I've been. Unfortunately I never got a chance to hug anyone, unless you count the time Alex/Adam tried to transfer all his dirt/grass/water/soap on his clothes over to me. Ah, well. Oh, and while playing Pokémon Ruby, I was just minding my own business, catching and unnecessary amount of Pokémon on Route 102, filling up an entire PC box with multiple Poochyena, Ralts, Zigzagoon, Wurmple, Seedot and Surskit, and I caught the Pokérus, in only a matter of like, two hours. And I wasn't even trying. Also, this one time I encountered a golden Poochyena, but it was during that first battle (when you save professor Birch), so I had no Pokéballs. ;_;

PS- Protip: six Zigzagoons = buttloads of items = buttloads of cash.


Monday, July 23, 2007

A List of Crimes Nick Has Committed

A List of Crimes Nick Has Committed

I'm not as bad as I sound. A lot of this may be a bit exaggerated, but it still totally happened. However, I have good reasoning for most of it. Like, the attempted murder and stuff was in self-defense, so yeah. Long story.
  • Theft
  • Terroristic threats
  • Smoking marijuana
  • Assault
  • Vandalism
  • Stalking
  • Sexual harrassment
  • Piracy
  • Illegal downloading
  • Slander
  • Truancy
  • Possession and dissemination of child pornography (I, uh, once sent my friends nekkid videos of me. o_o;)
  • Porn in general (I'm under 18)
  • Corruption of minors
  • Attempted murder
  • Obstruction of justice
  • Conspiracy
  • Voyeurism
  • Eavesdropping
  • Copyright infringement & plagiarism
  • Soliciting deviant sexual acts
Ed note: Enjoy prison, Sick Nick!


I'm posting from Mom's, where I also scanned and uploaded a picture I drew. I've been drawing a lot of stuff recently, mostly potential entries for Jessa's contest on dA. Can't really figure out anything good, so I'm left with a bunch of scrapped ideas. This means plenty of my hand-drawn stuff to show you guys. Huzzah!

Also, mom yelled at me for throwing up the other day... and she was the one who MADE me throw up. -_- Plus, she threw out a picture of one of my friends that I gave my sister. Plus, she banned said friend's name or image from the household and yells at me and my sister when we say/draw, etc. them. GAAAH. Please kill my mom, someone.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


I stayed up all night again! This time, I'm gonna stay awake until an actual real bedtime, then go to sleep then, and hopefully I'll wake up at an actual wakeuptime. That probably made no sense.

There's this noise coming from the freezer... it sounds EXACTLY like someone dropping a coin into one of those little coin bank thingies. Until I found out what it was, I thought I was being haunted by ghosts. :p

I recorded me doing all the lines from Slim's Choice. You can find it by clicking here. I severely messed up a few times, most noticable when I flubbed one of Slim's lines due to my speech impediment that sometimes turns my Ls and Rs into Ws. You'll see. And I dunno what happened to Joel's voice... during recorded I made my voice deeper, but then when I listened it sounded exactly like my regular voice. So I dunno what happened there. But anyway, yeah, there's your entertainment for today.


Saturday, July 21, 2007


Lawl, I screwed up my sleeping habits. I stayed up all night again, then later accidentally fell asleep while watching WF play FF7. Then I woke up at 8 PM again. So even if I did have the house to myself this morning (I dunno if I did or not), I slept through it. >< I also found out I screwed up other things really bad.

I also started posting on Psy's forums more. Now it's back in my daily Internet routine (which basically consists of me alternating between several sites, mainly TMBW, HRWiki, LJ, BSWiki, etc, and IMing people). Also I need a hug because I'm emo.



I stayed up all night, then accidentally crashed sometime earlier, then woke up at like 8 PM. Nobody was around until a bit later when my cousin hung out for a few hours. We listened to some TMBG, and some weird recording I made. Then she left and I was alone again. What came next should be fairly obvious. HINT: It involved my hand and my penis. Eventually everyone came home. Oh, and uhh, WF's mom got a job, so hopefully now I'll have the mornings to myself again! :D

I'm planning on recording some Bonus Stage impersonations tomorrow if I do have the house to myself. I'm gonna do Slim's Choice and Depart's All Yours. Because I simply MUST show off my Craig and Jessica. Maybe Car, too. I'm fairly good at Phil's old voice.

Heather needs to update her LJ. >:@


Thursday, July 19, 2007


A bunch of people whom I do not know (I presume they are friends of Anna, Myrrh or Tara, or all of the above) organized a No Sleep Thursday. See, today we were supposed to invite everyone on our buddy list into one huge chat and just keep talking from 9 PM to 9 AM the next day without sleeping. Ironically, the very person who came up with the idea left aboot two hours into it, and then the party died. I was going to stay as long as I could, but I mean, everybody else left. So then so did I. We're gonna try again tomorrow, apparently.

At the same time I also had a conversation with KN. He keeps telling me to lose weight. Actually, I probably should. But I'm not actually THAT overweight. I'm just kinda chubby and I wear shirts that're way too big for me. Also I stand with my back arched inwards, so that probably makes me look fat. But regardless, I can't excercise. I've tried before. Doesn't work. Also I almost passed out once after a couple minutes.

Myrrh and Mannady met IRL. Apparently they're having funtiems! Contrary to popular belief, this makes me happy. Except for teh jealousy, which I shall ignore until it goes away.

Dudedudedudedude. I want Podcast Highlights! D: GIVE ME PODCAST HIGHLIGHTS. In a completely unrelated story that has nothing to do with that, my birthday is still September first. Which is just over a month. I am not really excited at all because all my birthdays suck anyway. However, sometimes I get pretty good presents. But not usually.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007


My arm's FINALLY starting to heal. Geez, tetanus shots are horrible. Not only do they have the whole few-seconds-long sting that all shots do, they end up having screwed-up side effects, too.

So. I added like, three seconds to that SKF cartoon. Procrastination is a very bad thing. There's going to be (poorly-made) fight scene whenever someone reminds me to add to it. Apparently Waylon finally recorded his lines, too, except strangely, WMP was unable to play the file even though it was an MP3. Weird. The only reasonable explanation I can think of is that instead of using an audio converter, he recorded it in Sound Recorder and then screwed it up by going to Save As > All Files and typing .mp3 after the filename... because I've done that before, and it seems to make the files unplayable. Hmm.

I've also come to the conclusion that most of my voices sound way too much like my default voice. Take that news guy for example. His voice is basically just mine, but much deeper and with a barely noticeable accent. Hear it. Actually, upon further listening, it kinda sounds like that one dude from Rya's Wedding. :p


Ed Note: Link broken.

Monday, July 16, 2007


KN and Waylon are still inviting me to pointless chats, my arm is still swolen and in pain, I slept until eight PM today, I'm still listening to Cast Your Pod To The Wind, I brought FF7 over for WF to play, and I haven't worked on any of my various projects for weeks.

There. There's today's report.


Link - July 17, 2007 edit: Nevermind.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

You'd think that, uh, now that I brought some video games up here I'd have more to do if the computer's taken. Well, you're wrong. There's four people living here and only two things to do. If the TV and computer are both taken, all you can do here is sit on the couch and watch people do things. And I'm the lowest in the chain of authority. ANYONE can kick me off of whatever they want, whenever they want. It's extremely annoying. So I need to get my own computer. Like, a laptop. So I asked for one for my birthday (Sept. 1) several times. If I don't get one, I will become very cross.

I was in quite a few chats today. First, KN and Waylon. Then, KN, Waylon and Heather. Then Cheddar and a bunch of his friends. Then everyone left and then made a new chat. Then they did that AGAIN. Then it was me, Waylon, KN and another guy. Making a total of six chats today. Whooooaaaa.

For my birthday coming up in aboot a month, I will require presents from everyone. Presents can be in the form of TMBG, a laptop, panties (pre-worn, please), RPGs, nekkid photos of my friends, and I guess a few other things, but I would just stick to those. :D HOORAY FOR BEING CONCEITED!


Friday, July 13, 2007


Some highlights from a rather lengthy chat I had with KN, Waylon and Psy. Be warned that we delve into touchy subjects, such as sex, love, religion, and video games. Also note that we're all a bunch of perverts. The faint of heart and/or faint of butt may not want to read. Seriously, it's extremely x-rated in some parts.

Hagurumon31 (7:19:23 PM): You people and your leet piracy skillzees. I swear man, I swear you guys are total pirates.
Hagurumon31 (7:19:32 PM): You just need to be the other kind of pirates
Hagurumon31 (7:19:36 PM): With cutlasses
knharbl (7:19:51 PM): pirates rape women with the spines of their husbands
Hagurumon31 (7:20:12 PM): That's not rape though
Hagurumon31 (7:20:16 PM): That's just sexual assault
knharbl (7:20:29 PM): alright then
knharbl (7:20:38 PM): so is it less worse if I sexually assault Anna? ;p
Hagurumon31 (7:20:48 PM): >:o
Hagurumon31 (7:20:55 PM): Dude.
Hagurumon31 (7:21:00 PM): Don't.
knharbl (7:21:05 PM): yes
discountbrick77 (7:21:10 PM): yeeeeeees
Hagurumon31 (7:21:11 PM): No.


discountbrick77 (7:31:59 PM): back in grade school
discountbrick77 (7:32:16 PM): I would always obsess over the netowrk of who likes who and all that shit
discountbrick77 (7:32:29 PM): and a lot of times
discountbrick77 (7:32:35 PM): I'd think I was in love
discountbrick77 (7:32:40 PM): until I met the next girl
discountbrick77 (7:32:45 PM): same thing is happening to you
discountbrick77 (7:32:48 PM): so yeah
discountbrick77 (7:32:52 PM): You're a freaking child
Hagurumon31 (7:32:59 PM): -_-
Hagurumon31 (7:33:04 PM): It's not the same thing at all.
Hagurumon31 (7:33:20 PM): And uhh, didn't I tell you to not talk aboot this?
knharbl (7:33:20 PM): dude
knharbl (7:33:23 PM): you have the mind of a child
discountbrick77 (7:33:27 PM): welllllllllllllniggers
discountbrick77 (7:33:42 PM): it's all hormones
Hagurumon31 (7:34:03 PM): It's not. -_-
Hagurumon31 (7:34:17 PM): That's just your atheist opinions talkin'.
discountbrick77 (7:34:19 PM): it is
knharbl (7:34:22 PM): ...lolololo
knharbl (7:34:23 PM): then
knharbl (7:34:27 PM): where does the feeling of love come from?
discountbrick77 (7:34:35 PM): So your love is divine?
Hagurumon31 (7:34:40 PM): Yes
knharbl (7:34:42 PM): tell us, skymanbeliever
Hagurumon31 (7:34:47 PM): Ahem.
discountbrick77 (7:34:58 PM): tell us of the soul
knharbl (7:35:01 PM): yes
knharbl (7:35:04 PM): that awesome soul
knharbl (7:35:24 PM): somehow it is better suited than the brain for being the provider of "free will"
Hagurumon31 (7:35:24 PM): God created everyone to have their own soulmate, like, everyone has only ONE SPECIFIC soul mate that they're going to marry
knharbl (7:35:34 PM): how does that explain the mormons?
knharbl (7:35:39 PM): zing


knharbl (8:40:15 PM): you only love everything you love because I influenced you
knharbl (8:40:19 PM): whether you noticed or not
knharbl (8:40:22 PM): sometimes I was not even there
knharbl (8:40:28 PM): sometimes I made other people do it
Hagurumon31 (8:41:37 PM): Hagurumon31 (8:40:15 PM): I would like to French kiss some chick's ass.
Hagurumon31 (8:41:50 PM): So you influenced THAT, too?
knharbl (8:41:55 PM): everything
Hagurumon31 (8:42:03 PM): Mmm-hmm. :/
knharbl (8:42:08 PM): even the things I don't like about you
knharbl (8:42:10 PM): ESPECIALLY those
Hagurumon31 (8:42:16 PM): So you influenced me to enjoy making out with anuses.
Hagurumon31 (8:42:20 PM): Suuuuuure ya did.
knharbl (8:42:26 PM): I influenced you to think in such ways
knharbl (8:42:31 PM): so you would be a social outcast
knharbl (8:42:39 PM): the only thing I did not do
knharbl (8:42:44 PM): was make your penis really small
knharbl (8:42:48 PM): you can thank your parents for that


Hagurumon31 (8:48:44 PM): I enjoy sucking cocks.
PsychosisAUS (8:49:24 PM):  You said that last time we chatted.
knharbl (8:49:30 PM): he always does so
knharbl (8:49:32 PM): and then denies it
Hagurumon31 (8:50:17 PM): O_O
Hagurumon31 (8:50:26 PM): Dudezors
knharbl (8:50:31 PM): Nick just related a story
knharbl (8:50:35 PM): about him receiving a bad blowjob
discountbrick77 (8:50:37 PM): I'll look
knharbl (8:50:41 PM): I like it when he tells us fables
Hagurumon31 (8:50:50 PM): No, it was very much true, unfortunately.
PsychosisAUS (8:50:54 PM):  Nick Bate: I like sucking cocks.  Nick Bate: So anyway,  Simon J. Flavelle: GASSSSP  Simon J. Flavelle: QUOTED  Simon J. Flavelle: THAT IS SO QUOTED  Nick Bate: .........what?  Nick Bate: I DIDN'T SAY THAT
knharbl (8:50:54 PM): suuure
PsychosisAUS (8:50:55 PM):  Simon J. Flavelle: Before you make up any stupid reasons, Anna did NOT travel across the US just to get to your computer and type "I like sucking cocks" using your naem.  Simon J. Flavelle: But yeah.  Simon J. Flavelle: QUOTED
PsychosisAUS (8:50:56 PM):  Simon J. Flavelle: Nick Bate: I like sucking cocks.  Nick Bate: ...............  Nick Bate: No, it wasn't Anna.  Nick Bate: But if she did say that, I would have to immediately take my pants off.  Nick Bate: Also I like taking it
PsychosisAUS (8:50:57 PM):  up the ass.  Nick Bate: But anyway,
Hagurumon31 (8:50:59 PM): I told Anna aboot it a long time ago, back when we first met.
Hagurumon31 (8:51:22 PM): WHAAAAT?!
Hagurumon31 (8:51:28 PM): I said NONE of that shit!
knharbl (8:51:31 PM): yyes you did
PsychosisAUS (8:51:38 PM): Then why is it in my chat log? :P
Hagurumon31 (8:52:08 PM): Becaused you obviously have a sockpuppet MSN account which you use to impersonate me
discountbrick77 (8:52:42 PM): haha
discountbrick77 (8:52:42 PM): nick
discountbrick77 (8:52:52 PM): you've said similar stuff to us too
Hagurumon31 (8:53:08 PM): No, no, no
Hagurumon31 (8:53:20 PM): It's just your minds playing tricks on you
discountbrick77 (8:53:31 PM): JUST AN E-MIRAGE


discountbrick77 (9:04:25 PM): she's fucking crazy about you
discountbrick77 (9:04:31 PM): I mean
knharbl (9:04:31 PM): take advantage of it
discountbrick77 (9:04:35 PM): LITERALLY crazy
discountbrick77 (9:04:40 PM): but really nick
discountbrick77 (9:04:43 PM): she's sweet
discountbrick77 (9:04:45 PM): she's pretty
Hagurumon31 (9:04:47 PM): I don't think she's THAT obsessed with me. :/
knharbl (9:04:54 PM): you don't know shiiit
discountbrick77 (9:04:57 PM): she's obsessed with you
discountbrick77 (9:05:02 PM): as much as you are with anna
Hagurumon31 (9:05:17 PM): Oh, like you can really gauge that.
discountbrick77 (9:05:32 PM): and plus nick
discountbrick77 (9:05:37 PM): anything you don't like...
discountbrick77 (9:05:47 PM): you can always slowly mold her
discountbrick77 (9:05:52 PM): like KN did to you
discountbrick77 (9:06:10 PM): the more you spend time with her
discountbrick77 (9:06:15 PM): the better you'll like her
discountbrick77 (9:06:27 PM): because a. she develops a personality like yours
discountbrick77 (9:06:36 PM): b. You developed a persoality like hers
discountbrick77 (9:06:43 PM): so it's a win-win
Hagurumon31 (9:06:51 PM): O_O
discountbrick77 (9:07:50 PM): do it
Hagurumon31 (9:07:53 PM): Why?
discountbrick77 (9:08:07 PM): love
discountbrick77 (9:10:03 PM): c'mon, nick
discountbrick77 (9:10:06 PM): she LOVES you
Hagurumon31 (9:10:25 PM): Why do you insist on butting in on my love life?
Hagurumon31 (9:10:48 PM): If you recall, I made you leet, sort of. So you should owe me stuff.
discountbrick77 (9:10:57 PM): ummm
discountbrick77 (9:10:59 PM): no you didn't


Hagurumon31 (10:18:58 PM): I'm going to have to procure some buttseckz and anilingus.
Hagurumon31 (10:19:07 PM): Here's my master plan
Hagurumon31 (10:19:22 PM): 1.) Some hot chick (aka "The Target" takes a dump
Hagurumon31 (10:19:30 PM): 2.) "The Target" does NOT wipe
Hagurumon31 (10:19:47 PM): 3.) I insert my penis into her non-wipéd ass
Hagurumon31 (10:20:06 PM): 4.) I thrust as long as I see fit
Hagurumon31 (10:20:10 PM): 5.) I pull out
Hagurumon31 (10:20:24 PM): 6.) "The Target" licks all the shit off of my cock
Hagurumon31 (10:20:42 PM): 7.) I repeat steps 3 through 6 until I cum
Hagurumon31 (10:21:12 PM): I suppose somewhere in there I perform some anilingus on "The Target", too.
Hagurumon31 (10:22:02 PM): What do you think of mah master plan?
discountbrick77 (10:24:22 PM): it's terrible
Hagurumon31 (10:26:33 PM): WHY?!
discountbrick77 (10:27:37 PM): because....
Hagurumon31 (10:27:42 PM): Because...?
Hagurumon31 (10:29:04 PM): I think my plan is brilliant.
Hagurumon31 (10:31:49 PM): Also
Hagurumon31 (10:31:56 PM): There may have to be some tit-sucking
discountbrick77 (10:32:52 PM): yeah



I'm back! And I got The Else and Cast Your Pod To The Wind! I love them both! ^_^ I'm surprised that I'm Your Boyfriend Now was re-recorded. o.O Oh, and while I was at the mall, I saw theSTART's Death Via Satellite EP, so I picked that up, too! I really like it. EVERY song on it is really good! :D And that really says something. The only other CD on which I enjoy EVERY track is TMBG's They'll Need A Crane EP.

I had to get THREE shots. D: Chicken pox (even though I already had chicken pox when I was a li'l kid), tetanus, and something else. MRM or MMR or something of that nature. The shots freakin' HURT. I cried. Also the tetanus one still hurts. It's all tender to the touch and stuff.


Monday, July 9, 2007


Goin' to the mall tomorrow to look for The Else. It's been a while, too, because last time I went was when I picked up No!. I looked around on FYE's wedsite to make sure they're gonna be getting The Else, and yes they are. However, every time I go there they seem to have a weird selection of TMBG stuff on the shelves (I believe that every time I go there, all they have is The Pink Album, A User's Guide, No!, Factory Showroom, Flood and Dial-A-Song, though I did see Apollo 18 once.). But whatever, if they don't have it, there's a few more music stores in the mall.

Also, I'll probably be gone until liek Thursday 'cause I have to go to some doctor or something. So yeah. See ya Thursday ('cept I didn't leave YET! :D). But yeah, I guess I'm leaving tomorrow and staying over two nights.


Sunday, July 8, 2007


Don't expect to se me online today, except for right now and maybe really late at night. WF's mom is gonna be on the computer all day. So I have NOTHING to do today. I guess I'm gonna like, go to sleep or something.


Friday, July 6, 2007


I just ate... a huge bowl of rice... so I'm not feelin' too good right now. x.x

Also, I came up with the greatest idea ever a few months ago. Ahem. What if your media player could automatically update your playlist every day so that it matches the ratings page over at TMBW? Then you could be listening to the top... like... 25 or 50 tracks on the list. I dunno aboot you guys, but I think it'd be one of the greatest things ever. I tested it out by MANUALLY adding the top 25 to my playlist. It was prooty nice, yo. I was gonna go with, like, the top 50 or so, but somehow, I was missing Asheville... I don't have a clue why. I have the entire Venue Songs collection except for that one track... weird... But yeah, anyway.

I need a hug. I sad.


Thursday, July 5, 2007


False alarm, everypeoples. Anna's fine. Turns out she's just at camp. She could've told me, though. >_> But yeah, it's all good. She's just havin' non-sexual and also non-romantic funtiems. But I'm still going to bestow upon her many hugs when she returns.

WF kicked his mom off the TV to play FF9, which means she now has nothing to do but kick me off the computer. So I won't be around much until WF stops playing FF9. :(


...huh? Wh- uh- I- I AIN'T SAY NOTHIN'. GAAAH! >:@


Wednesday, July 4, 2007


I've returned from Nanny's again. But just to let y'alls know, I'm going again July 10th so I can get The Else.

So, I played lots of FFX and Tekken 5. I also listened to TMBG, Nirvana and Green Day. I also doodled some things, including Waylon standing there shrugging in front of the September 11th attacks, KN trapped in a box, Macen dating the letter X (I was listening to Here Come The ABCs! while drawing), Maria being emo, and apparently me being a transvestite.

Also, today is Dad and Macen's birthdays. Macen's 16. I dunno how old Dad is. Probably 44 or 45.


EDIT: Seriously, guys, Anna's been missing for like, three days. Anyone seen her lately? Did she mention that she'd be offline for a while? Yo? I'm getting kind of worred here...

Monday, July 2, 2007


My cousin claims to like both TMBG and Bonus Stage, but somehow I doubt it. I asked her who the band members are, and she didn't even know. And while we were watching Bonus Stage, she was pointing out obvious things like "This was when they looked different" and asking stuff like "Why do they only have four fingers?". Not to mention the fact that she wasn't even paying attention to the storylines. And there were a bunch of other peoples around ranging from age 15 to like, uhh, probably 18 or so, and they were sitting there watching Bonus Stage, and not at all understanding what was going on.

Eventually someone told me to put music on instead, so I loaded up some TMBG. Which didn't go well. Someone, I dunno who but they suck, claim that Linnell sounds like Ernie from Sesame Street. D:< WTF! I continued switching to tracks that I thought would go over better, you know, like rock-type things, and it still didn't really work. Everybody started falling asleep and demanding I turn it off. Aaagggghh. I'd like to know exactly what these peoples actually listen to, because if there's anyone out there who doesn't like at least ONE TMBG song, their musical tastes must be really horrible.

Yesterday, everyone was away for a while, so it was just me until WF came home. He played this crappy music and told me that Danny Weinkauf wouldn't be able to do the bass line. Which it total bull, because really ANY good bassist could do it. But whatever, I suppose WF's entitled to his opinions, it's just that his opinions suck. See, this is why Pennsylvania sucks. Nobody in the entire state likes any of the same stuff as me. Every time I mention Bonus Stage or TMBG or, like, do an LARP (Which is actually quite topical; this one time someone told a story aboot how he saw some D&D roleplayers running around with swords and capes, and explaining to WF how those kinds of people are weird, and actually that's the kind of thing that I do. I told 'em that, and WF replied by saying that if I ever did it around him he'd have to avoid me), people think I'm retarded or a stoner or something. I reckon I would actually be able to be at least a LITTLE social if I lived in a state where people actually had GOOD interests. Tip for anyone going on vacation to Pennsylvania this summer: Don't.

That aboot ends my rant for today. But later this afternoon, I'm goin' to Nanny's again, so I won't be here much today or tomorrow. Soooo... see ya!
