Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Friday, July 27, 2007


So I've been at Vacation Bible School for the past few days. I'm sure you guys missed me. ...right? I'm not making too big an assumption...? Ha, so okay, I go to VBS every year, and this was the best one ever so far, especially because this year it was outside and involved getting soaked! Basically, every year it's a five-day program over the summer, and unfortunately I missed the first day. But whatever. I also neglected to bring my stuff back to Nanny's until like, the fourth day, so I made do with what I didn't bring to Dad's... my Gameboy, some paper/pens, a bottle, food, etc. Anyway, now it's time for a long account of each day at VBS.
VBS - Day 2! First we did our intro, where everyone gathered at the main tent to do some sing-a-longs. Then, we split up into our groups. My group is cool. It consists of Alex, Adam, Aly, Nick, and Maria. However, Maria is only really there for the lesson and doesn't play the games or make crafts, so I dunno where she keeps running off to. My guess is she's anti-social, like me. I even have a picture of our group. I should show it somehow. Anyway, our group went to our tent and our teacher, Linda, taught us our Bible lesson. She talked a bit aboot the Apocalypse, which scared me. I was totally not expecting them to scare children at VBS. After our lesson, all the groups joined together again to make crafts. Though I basically try to stick with my group all the time anyway. So, the day's craft was gluing seashells to a wooden cross. We usually have snacks sometime after crafts, too. It was Rise Crispy treats and punch today. And then came the games. Day 2's games were crazy. First, we split up into teams (Not our same groups as I previously mentioned, our teams for this game were determined by what sticker we were wearing. We all had to pick a sticker earlier in the day.) and formed a line. There were four teams, and each had a bucket in front of them, right? Okay, so then there was this other big water-filled bucket a few yards in front of all of the teams. Each team was given a cup, which we were to run to the big bucket, fill with water, then carry on our heads back to our teams's bucket (and there was a hole in the bottom of each cup!), dump the water in our bucket, and give the cup to the next person. Whoever got their bucket filled first won. It wasn't my team, which is good, because we found out that the prize for winning is having your bucket of water thrown at you. The second game was even more hilarious and very difficult. We had to pop water balloons using our butts. You might be thinking, "hey, I bet he enjoyed watching the girls", but no, keep in mind the oldest girl there was Aly, and she's 13. Most of the VBS attendees were little kids. So, I did a backwards flying tackle, and missed my balloon twice. That was slightly painful. However, I got it on the third try. Soon came the wrap-up, with more sing-a-longs, then we all went home. Sometime during the day, Alex, Adam and Aly were discussing homemade illegal fireworks. I fear they're going to blow up the city. :p
VBS - Day 3! Adam and Alex were not here today, as they were at a sports game of some kind. So it was pretty much just me and Aly. After the intro and Bible lesson was the crafts, of course. We made bracelets! Me and Aly found a mostly-empty table to work on, though there was another little kid there who was talking to us. He kinda reminded me of Gilbert Gottfried. The three of us discussed some stuff while we waited for teachers to come help us. Apparently Aly thinks Final Fantasy is awesome. I approve of this. Today's "game" was a hay ride! And while we waited for the other hay ride to come back (there were two of them, one for little kids and one for the kinda older kids), we had a squirtgun fight! Of course, I was unlucky with my guns. They wouldn't fill up right, and refused to fire. All the little kids were ganging up on me. I pretty much ran for cover. Especially because someone splashed water out of the bucket all over me while I was attempting to refill mah gun. And I felt something heavy and pointed strike me in the back of my neck. It was Aly, who apparently turned on me and shot me from behind. This called for revenge. But my guns never let me get that revenge anyway. I was completely soaked, mostly from that person that splashed water out of the bucket, but the hay ride dried me off. While on the ride, we passed Mom's house, and I pointed that out to people. Little kids started asking me aboot the horses that were out in the corral. I forget which horses they were. I can't really tell them apart except by their haulter color, which I couldn't see from the road. But yeah, I think I became a bit popular due to my pets.
VBS - Day 4! Adam and Alex were back today. Our craft today was decorating this wooden cube thing, which has this wire coming out the top and going around in a spiral. We then received pictures of our group taken on the second day, which we put in the spiral. I still have it. It's sitting up there on my dresser at Nanny's, along with a picture of me and a black-and-white printed-out photo of, uh, take a wild guess. Adam and Alex were also putting stickers all over Aly. I watched. Today's "game" was a huge slip-'n'-slide! I tried to stick close to my group in line. They were going crazy and throwing stickers at eachother. This one litte kid was punching Adam/Alex. Don't ask me which one. They're twins. Hard to tell apart. The slip-'n'-slide wasn't really as fun as watching my group's antics in line, but it was still okay. Sometime during the day, Adam, Alex and Aly were all chasing eachother, and I managed to grab ahold of one of the boys from behind so Aly could get some free shots in. I believe a bunch of little kids were also still using the squirtguns from yesterday, and continued to do so on the last day.
VBS - Day 5! This was the day to rule all days. No craft today, but there were tons of games. Carnival games, even! A dunk tank (I tried twice, six balls total, and failed to dunk anyone), throwing bean bags through holes, shooting some little kid in the face with a squirtgun, and more. I won a decent amount of candy. Like, half a small paper bag maybe. Aly claims she was on her second bag, though. Oh, and the slip-'n'-slide was there again. Parents were allowed to stay today, so my aunt was there, and she made me go down the slide so she could get a picture. Mom went down, too, but the camera died before a picture could be taken. Well, with Mom's face, I don't blame it. Poor camera never stood a chance. The games lasted much longer than usual, and we all had free-roaming. We could just walk around and play whatever. I failed to stick near my group this time, so I gave up and stuck with my sister (yes, my sister goes to VBS, too). After all the festivities and wrap-up and stuff, I talked to Aly, Adam and Alex. I explained to them what a second-person shooter would be. They agreed that if one were to exist, it would be awesome and extremely hard. I also got Adam and Alex's email address, so we'll probably keep in touch. Aly forgot her screenname, so I didn't get any contact info from her, but she said she's coming back next summer (she's visiting from North Carolina), so hopefully we'll be in the same group again or whatever. I also got Linda's phone number. She told us to call if we need to talk aboot anything, so yeah.

So there's your report for where I've been. Unfortunately I never got a chance to hug anyone, unless you count the time Alex/Adam tried to transfer all his dirt/grass/water/soap on his clothes over to me. Ah, well. Oh, and while playing Pokémon Ruby, I was just minding my own business, catching and unnecessary amount of Pokémon on Route 102, filling up an entire PC box with multiple Poochyena, Ralts, Zigzagoon, Wurmple, Seedot and Surskit, and I caught the Pokérus, in only a matter of like, two hours. And I wasn't even trying. Also, this one time I encountered a golden Poochyena, but it was during that first battle (when you save professor Birch), so I had no Pokéballs. ;_;

PS- Protip: six Zigzagoons = buttloads of items = buttloads of cash.


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