Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Thursday, July 19, 2007


A bunch of people whom I do not know (I presume they are friends of Anna, Myrrh or Tara, or all of the above) organized a No Sleep Thursday. See, today we were supposed to invite everyone on our buddy list into one huge chat and just keep talking from 9 PM to 9 AM the next day without sleeping. Ironically, the very person who came up with the idea left aboot two hours into it, and then the party died. I was going to stay as long as I could, but I mean, everybody else left. So then so did I. We're gonna try again tomorrow, apparently.

At the same time I also had a conversation with KN. He keeps telling me to lose weight. Actually, I probably should. But I'm not actually THAT overweight. I'm just kinda chubby and I wear shirts that're way too big for me. Also I stand with my back arched inwards, so that probably makes me look fat. But regardless, I can't excercise. I've tried before. Doesn't work. Also I almost passed out once after a couple minutes.

Myrrh and Mannady met IRL. Apparently they're having funtiems! Contrary to popular belief, this makes me happy. Except for teh jealousy, which I shall ignore until it goes away.

Dudedudedudedude. I want Podcast Highlights! D: GIVE ME PODCAST HIGHLIGHTS. In a completely unrelated story that has nothing to do with that, my birthday is still September first. Which is just over a month. I am not really excited at all because all my birthdays suck anyway. However, sometimes I get pretty good presents. But not usually.


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