Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Mission 1 - Explore Akagi's Cave

Today Nick explores the mystery that is his own house. Which is actually a cave. This is a really crappy game and also very easy to cheat at, but... just don't cheat. I'm also working on some other things, but just ignore everything else for now.

Also, MAJOR DRAMA going on. But whatever. I'm trying to stay out of it. Today's plan: work on some more text adventures and stuff, then later talk to Waylon, KN and Heather again. I just don't know what happened last night, though. Both Heather and Waylon just mysteriously signed off of YIM without warning. So I dunno.

I should probably talk to Psy and Mandy, too. (AND YES I PROMISE TO THAT THING THAT YOU SAID)

So...I'ma work on some more stuff now, I guess.

~Bick Nate

Ed Note: Yes, the link still works. I even played it. Here is a quote from it:

Baby is busy at the moment. However, he senses the cat treat and swiftly pushes a hot female cat away. He then grabs the treat and happily eats it as the other kitty storms out the door. You ask Baby where the key to the locked door is. He says Mandy might have it.
The cat treat is removed from your inventory, and Baby joins your team.

WTF is a hot female cat?! I followed the text adventure to the end and got to this page:

It is a copy of his Encyclopedia Dramatica article cut and pasted into his Wiki. LOL

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