Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Thursday, April 26, 2007


mood:  optimistic optimistic
music: Homonculus - They Might Be Giants

Some other places I can be found:
Runescape (rarely): Hagurumon
This Might Be A Wiki (almost constantly): Akagi
My two wikis: SECRET...FOR NOW

Today I tried playing the riff from Ana Ng on bass. I think I got the hang of it, but I don't think the tab was correct. Unless I just misread it or something. FEAR THE POWER OF NICK THE BASSIST.

Me and my online friends (of which I should start a band. And we can write risque songs. And I can sing in my weird falsetto voice. And then we'll smash our instruments over people's heads. Apparently WF plans to do that to his guitarist. Sounds painful to me, but eh, whatever floats his boat.

OH. MAN. I just got paid $31 for my services working at that apartment. Yeah, I was supposed to get another 25 cents (6.25 per hour x 5 hours) but I don't like change, so I just ignored it. And I'm working on a separate wiki from my Batia Studios one. This one I'm using for making, like, text adventures and stuff. Like on HRWiki, except they're not based around HR. And I wish BSWiki was still around. WHAT IF I WANNA LOOK UP SOMETHING BS-RELATED?! HUH?!

I think I have over $100 now. What should I spend it on? YOU BE THE JUDGE. Multiple choice time.
1. Buying gifts for all my friends (of which I only have one)
2. TMBG!
3. Chicks' clothing and other perverted objects
4. Save up for a laptop or iPod or something
5. a mail-order bride


etaB kciN~

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