Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Friday, April 27, 2007


mood:  bored bored

I dunno why, but if I ever become a teacher, (which I won't), everyone should call me "Mr. Felcher". I dunno why. That just seems like a good name for a teacher. Maybe I heard it on TV somewhere. I don't know. But yeah, my plan is to be a househusband, so hopefully I can pull that off. I just have to learn how to cook and clean and stuff. Oh, and babysit. I was never any good at that. But I still think I'd be pretty good at husband-ing. And then I'd still be doing my Flash series on the side, so that'd rake in a little cash, possibly. Depending on how hilarious I am.

So today I slept until like, two in the afternoon. Well, actually, I woke up several hours before that, but I like to just lay there for a while and picture myself having a much better life than the one I currently have. You'd be surprised how addicting daydreaming is. I'm so into it, I can almost trick myself into not waking up. But no...I can't. And it makes me very depressed.

So anyway, I eventually had to get out of bed (or rather, couch) because Nanny called to tell me that I ain't got no school today. So that's cool. Then everyone went out to lunch at Pizza Hut, so it's just me and Dad here right now. So naturally I'm on the Intarnets. The one retreat I have from my screwed up life.

I don't know why I'm sounding so emo right now. I'm actually doin' pretty good, sort of. Maybe it's just that the keyboard's possessed by demons or Mom (WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?! :D) and it's typing by itself. Who knows. But yeah, people. I'm still bored. IM me. Start SOME kind of conversation. I don't even care what it's aboot. Video games, hot nekkid chicks, ugly nekkid chicks, TMBG, Bonus Stage, Homestar Runner, etc. Doesn't matter. Just friggin' IM me. Because I'm BORED.

~Mister B.

PS- I was roaming around TMBW, and spotted something of interest:
"777 days until John Linnell's 50th birthday"

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