Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Monday, May 14, 2007


So, I had to wake up seriously early again today so I could go on a tour of this, uhh, whatchamacallit... some kind of school that you go to half a day after regular school... I forget what it's called. Starts with a "V", I think. Anyway, me, my aunt, and that social worker went down there and the social worker gave us a tour of the hallways, and like, showed us the classrooms and stuff. There was a "cosmetology" room that apparently had severed heads all over the place. I guess it's a cult or something, like scientology. There was also a room with all computers, where you get to design CD liner notes and advertisements and things... now, if I had to go, I would probably choose that class, but like I said, I don't wanna go to school.

There were tons of classrooms where people were working on car engines and shit like that. There was also one room where they were evidentally building a shed or something. We also looked through the medical wing, where people could learn to be dental assistants or whatever. Then there's a wing of the school where you cook food. That would be another class of interest to me, since I'm planning to be a househusband. But yeah, still don't wanna go. Anyway, apparently the students cook the food for people to eat in the cafeteria. That doesn't sound very safe to me. Like, what if some disgruntled student, like, slips poison into someone's food? I mean come on.

Then I also learned that construction students did all the work when the school needs to be added onto, etc. To me, it sounds like the school owner is lazy and/or greedy and doesn't want to pay for real workers. My aunt also pointed out to me that there was a chick in one of the classrooms. It pissed me off. She really needs to stop playing matchmaker, because I already know who I'm gonna marry. And besides, Pennsylvanians suck. Nobody has the same interests as me. Do you realize how difficult it is to find someone who is a fan of TMBG, video games, Bonus Stage, Homestar Runner, and anal sex all at the same time in PA? VERY HARD. Hell, I've never even found anyone who's a fan of ONE of those things. There must be a secret sanctuary of TMBG/BS/HR/RPG/buttseckz fans somewhere. But it's definitely not in Pennsylvania. I need to move.


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