Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Okay, y'alls may be wondering what this "chaos on the internets" thing is aboot. Well, you know my girlfriend Heather? I got word from NT that Heather's not actually real, just a conspiracy devised by KS and KN. So I attempted to pwn the crap out of them by screaming out "HA! SHE DOESN'T EXIST! JUST LIKE KENTUCKY!" but they would not confess. Then Heather ran away crying, so evidentally either NT's lying and I totally just made someone cry for real, or KS and KN are trying to make me feel bad.

I talked to NT again last night, or whenever that was, and he claims KS is willing to confess if NT keeps fighting against him, but he'll keep up the charade if NT goes along with it. That kinda confused me. Shouldn't it... umm... be the other way around? So I dunno, if NT's telling the truth, this whole Heather thing might be over soon, and I'll be single again. But if KN and KS are the truthful ones, I really do have a girlfriend. Hmm.

In other news, Psy registered at TMBW. So now our party of three is all there. And I'm thinking we still need to figure out a better name for our crew, and maybe change our members around or something. Here's what we have now:

The Coffee Crew - Primary Members
The Coffee Crew - Secondary Members

I propose we boot Waylon for, um, being an ass. And replace him with someone else. All in favor say "I".


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