Coffee Crew

Coffee Crew
Nick Bate's Web Comic the Coffee Crew

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Panties of Doom

Chapter 1: The Dance Party at Central Veto High School

Sly was searching fri hus headset. "Did you see my earphones lately?" he asked while throwing things over his shoulder. "I saw them in the freezer this morning," Hagurumon replied. Sly shrugged. "Even though that doesn't make any sense, I might as well try it out." He flew through his house, digging through clothes and pizza boxes to the kitchen, where ToyAgumon was searching for chicken. Sly shrugged and looked in the freezer behind the box of cappuchino ice cream. There, he saw the headphones. "Got my earphones!" ToyAgumon looked at him. "Don't you mean headphones?"
Sly's car (a Chevy Malibu) sped to Central Veto. "I bet the party started already, man!" Hagurumon, chasing the car, began to run out of energy. He just rode along with Sly then.
At Central Veto, Sly slipped on his headphones and grabbed the mic. "Yo, yo, yo! I'm MC Sly here with your musical pleasure!" Sly played some slow songs, then started rapping at about nine o'clock. After that, Sly went to talk to his friends. TK, Kari, Colin and Mimi were hanging out in the library. "Sup, Sly?" asked TK. Sly replied with a "nothin'".
The next day, a second party was held in honor of Duke Johnson, the coolest kid at Central Veto High School. He swaggered when he walked past Kari. Kari was unanimously the most beautiful kid in school, with Mimi in second. After that was Sora, Sly's girl. TK walked up to Duke and gave him a dirty look. Kari was his. Colin agreed that if anyone made a pass at Mimi, they won't walk for weeks.
Duke was talking to Matt, the second coolest guy. Those two, along with Tai, had a band called Coolness. "Nick!" Sora yelled from across the room. "The name's Sly," said Sly. Sora ran up to him. "So, do we have a date next Saturday?" Sly nodded, and Sora walked over to her friends.

Chapter 2: The Attack of the Black Underwear

The party then went bad. Sly saw a shadow in the corner of the room. Hagurumon slowly approached, but was chased off by... panties? The whole school laughed, until a kid was mauled by the panties. The gym cleared fast. Only Duke, Matt, Sly, Sora, TK, Colin, Kari and Mimi were left.
When the black panties lunged at Kari, everyone made a run for it. However, the doors magically locked. The panties lunged at Duke, but Matt was in the way. "Stay alive, Duke," he said. The panties were on Matt's left arm. Matt then fell to the ground, and the panties ran deeper into the school. Sly checked out Matt. "Not breathing." Duke folded his arms. "Killed by a pair of panties? C'mon." Colin then looked. "Whoa. On his left arm is a ton of venom." Duke began laughing. "Why would panties have venom in them?" Sly tried to touch the venom. "Stop!" yelled Colin. "It's powerful enough to kill a person instantly." Duke stopped laughing. "Who's it after next?" asked Sora. "Hard to say," said Colin. "Wait a second..." Sly looked around the gym. "Where's Hagurumon?" Sly ran through the hallway to look for him. The others followed.
In the boys' bathroom, Hagurumon was trapped. The panties of doom blocked the only exit. As they stared, they backed up further until the door burst open, and they flew into a wall. Sly started using the headphones as nunchukas. "Beware, panties of doom." He tossed the end of the cord with the plug in it at the panties of doom. The panties then grabbed it and pulled on the cord, dragging Sly along until he let go. This gave Hagurumon a chance to escape. The others burst into the room. Duke was in front, taunting the panties. This aggravated them, and they jumped up on Duke's face. They then ran off, leaving Duke dead.

Chapter 3: Seven Survivors

Still trapped in the school, the seven survivors decided to take a tour of the forbidden areas of the school. Colin and Mimi were checking the kitchen for scraps of food. Kari and TK were looking around on the roof. Sly, Sora and Hagurumon were searching through the storage area.
Sly found something odd in a box. A picture of a woman dressed in black, with a pet snake. "Who's this?" Sly asked. Sora looked at the picture. "I'm not sure." Hagurumon was looking for other Digimon. He heard a box fall, and ran to look. Sora squinted. "I don't know. I think it's odd that this is in color, though." Sly flipped the picture over and saw a word. However, it was not English.
Kari nearly fell off the roof. Luckily, TK was right next to her. He took her to the door to the school. It was locked. "Great, now we're locked out with no way of getting to the ground." Kari looked around. "Why is there a bed up here?" TK looked happy. "I don't know, but I have a great idea. We'll use the sheets to make a rope." Kari nodded. "But... it seems as if the panties want us to get down from here."
Mimi and Colin ran to the storage room when they heard a scream. The panties of doom were right there in front of Hagurumon. Nobody moved. Except the panties. Sly thought Hagurumon was a goner, but the panties got Sora instead. Sora screamed loud enough for TK and Kari to hear. TK looked down. "It got Sora, too. That's four victim in one day."
The panties rushed to another room. Sly was mad now. "I must get my revenge." Sly found a loaded gun in a box. "Bingo, baby." He switched it out of safety. He walked out after the panties. TK and Kari broke in through a window and found the panties right away. Sly found the stunned duo and shot at the panties. He hit it with every bullet, but the panties just ran at Sly. Sly dropped the gun and backed up. Colin, Mimi and Hagurumon entered. The panties crept closer, and picked up the gun.
"Oh no..." Sly said. The panties aimed at Mimi. "Well, here's my go," said Colin. He jumped on the panties and threw the gun out the window just before he died. Mimi started crying. "Great. Who's next?" asked Sly. The panties then jumped on Mimi. After a few seconds, they jumped off and ran away.

Chapter 4: A Date With Death

TK was having doubts. The sheets fells off the roof and the doors were still locked. He decided to have a final date with Kari. The two were in the cafeteria, eating some leftovers while drinking water.
As Kari finished off her spaghetti, she noticed the panties clinging to the ceiling above TK. Meanwhile, Sly and Hagurumon were playing cards. "Go fish," said Sly. Hagurumon drew a card, then laid it down along with his last card. "I win!" Sly yelled. "How about Blackjack?" Hagurumon got up. "Nah. I'm taking a nap over in the library." Sly knew it was a bad idea, but what could he say to a Digimon?
TK then stood up. "I'm going to the bathroom." He then walked out. Kari decided tp get more food, so she ran to the kitchen. The panties then stopped clinging to the ceiling and fell in TK's cup. Sly stood in the library to watch Hagurumon. He then decided to grab a book. It was called "A Date With Death". It was a novel about a woman named Francine. Then it struck Sly. He got a book on reading Japanese to find out that the woman in the picture was also named Francine.
He then read the book about her. He found out a few things. Francine wore black panties. Her pet snake bit her and got venom all over her clothes. Sly knew what was going on. The black panties with venom in them were Francine's. Obviously, they were back for something. But what?
When Kari returned, she didn't notice the panties in TK's cup. Neither did TK. He was about to put the cup away because he was done. "Hey! Stop! I have to propose a toast", said Kari. "To us!" They banged their cups together, then took a sip of their drink. When TK's mouth touched the cup, he dropped it and started to gag. He was coughing, then fell over. He then stopped coughing. Thrn he stopped breathing. He was dead soon after. Kari ran screaming to the library.
She told Sly what happened. With only three survivors left, the chances of being next were high. This really scared Kari, but Sly and Hagurumon weren't afraid. Meanwhile, Sly tried to figure out what the panties were after. He determined they might be after the snake. "Bingo!"

Chapter 5: The Cure for Venom

"I got an idea," said Sly. "But we'll have to escape first." Sly, Kari and Hagurumon came up with an idea. Sly and Hagurumon flew out the window and barely made it on the flagpole. They climbed down and called for Kari.
Kari then jumped. Now free, Sly led the other two to the pet store. They bought a snake and brought it to the school. Sly, in the gym, sat down the snake and let it out of its cage. This led the panties to the gym. It crept toward the snake. Then, Sly gave a signal. Hagurumon, Goburimon and ToyAgumon had the panties trapped.
Tai and some others rammed down the door. "Do it, men!" yelled Sly. He pulled out a small device used to tranform Digimon, called a digivice. This turned Hagurumon into Raremon. Goburimon was now Ogremon, and ToyAgumon became Leomon.
The Digimon attacked the panties, but the panties struck back. Kari watched as the Digimon were knocked out. The panties ran off, dragging Kari along with them. Now it was only Sly. Sly took his headphones and swung them around. Followed by Hagurumon, who somehow survived, Sly continued to the storage room.
He was face-to-face with the panties of doom. He noticed a trap door under the panties. It was now or never. Hagurumon told Sly that Digimon are not affected by venom, so he wrestled the panties to the ground.
Sly kept trying to aim the headphones at the trap door. The panties were now in front of it. Sly continued trying, but missed again. He then tripped backwards over a box and the headphones flew in the back.
Hagurumon couldn't hold off the panties much longer. Sly crept behind them and quickly grabbed the headphones. "This is for Matt!" Sly whipped the panties. "Here's for Duke!" Sly did it again. He whipped the panties for every dead thing. He finally dedicated the last one to Sora. The panties then jumped up. Hagurumon luckily grabbed it. Sly gave a final whip only to the door handle. The cord wrapped around. Sly gave a yank, opening the trap door. Hagurumon gave a push and the panties fell through the hole. Sly rushed and kicked the door, so the panties were trapped.
The audience cheered as Sly and Hagurumon walked out of Veto High. Another job done, and another day saved by the heroic, courageous MC Sly.

Chapter 6: The Aftermath... One Year Later

"Did you see my headphones lately?" Sly asked. "Did you check the fridge?" Hagurumon replied. Sly rushed toward the fridge and checked behind the cappuchino and the mozzarella sticks. He pulled out his headphones.
After driving to Tai's house, he announced a house party. Then he put on music. Hagurumon danced with Palmon, Mimi's Digimon.
A few hours later, Sly and Hagurumon made a toast to the two survivors of the "Panties of Doom Incident". Meanwhile, Tai didn't notice that his doors were locked. He also didn't realize that black socks were in the corner of the room.
Sly and Hagurumon walked in and saw Tai tied to a chandaleir by a pair of black socks. They also noticed the broken glass and bodies lying all over the place. "Here we go again..."

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